I have other topics related to this about Rhino plugin and RhinoInside plugin.
I used ExecuteNamedCallback
in Rhino plugin to send some data like active view and mouse point …etc.
Hi, I want to add bool toggle to stop the code from running when the event finished,
is that possible?
I thought about using mouse click but i don’t find an event for that.
using Rhino.Display;
using Rhino.PlugIns;
namespace RhinoToGrasshopper
public class RhinoToGrasshopperPlugin : PlugIn
public RhinoToGrasshopperPlugin()
Instance = this;
RhinoView.SetActive += OnViewSetActive;
RhinoView.Modified += OnViewModified;
Hi, i use rhinoinside unity example to create this code but when Grasshopper launched nothing received .
using Rhino.Runtime.InProcess;
using System;
namespace AnsysConnect
public class RhinoInside
static IDisposable _rhinoCore;
public static void Launch()
if (_rhinoCore == null)
string rhinoSystemDir = (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\Install",