Software Bug in Rhinoceros 8 Grasshopper's Maths/Script Component

In the latest version of Rhinoceros 8, when attempting to use the battery block from Maths/Script within Grasshopper, users have encountered a mysterious freezing issue. Additionally, there is a persistent error message indicating that the script language initialization is stuck at 6%.


  • Please delete the %HOMEPATH%\.rhinocode and start Rhino
  • Run ScriptEditor command and let it initialize languages
  • Run RhinoCodeLogs, save the logs into a text file and DM me here

I’ll look into the logs to see why/if Python 3 can not initialize

Thank you very much for your reply. Since I mostly use Rhino7 for work, I’ve only done partial testing with Rhino8 and might not be very proficient with it. Anyway, the issue is resolved now, and I appreciate your help once again.

Additionally, there’s a small improvement I’d like to suggest: When writing scripts using the Script Editor in Rhino8, I find that the code suggestions are often unresponsive. This has led me to copy blocks from the old Script Editor in Rhino7 to write my script code.

Lastly, I’ve attached the log from that day, but I’m not sure if it’s what you wanted to see. Thank you.
rhinocode_10172.txt (24 KB)

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I see in the log that it says Using existing runtime. Would you mind deleting the %HOMEPATH%\.rhinocode and start Rhino? then run ScriptEditor command and let it initialize languages and send me the logs from RhinoCodeLogs command

I’d like to see the full logs when editor is trying to initialize python 3 environment from scratch

I have been experiencing a similar issue for the past two days. When I use a script component on Grasshopper or when I run ScriptEditor, I am getting a loading bar for “Initializing script languages” (in Grasshopper) and “Initializing Runtime” (for the ScriptEditor command) and it is stuck at 6%. How was the issue resolved?

Robert, can you send us the log files? I think after restarting Rhino the RhinoCodeLogs command may get the previous log.

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I worked on other projects while waiting that do not contain any script components. Would I need to try and open or use a script component before running the command mentioned to get the logs?

Edit: I just tried using the ScriptEditor command and it worked fine. Everything loaded fine. I was also able to open the Grasshopper files that I could not before.

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I have adopted Ehsan Iran Nejad’s suggestion (deleting the% HOMEPATH% . rhinocode and start Rhino), which is linked here: Software Bug in Rhinoceros 8 Grasshopper's Maths/Script Component - #5 by eirannejad. Then I restarted the computer and the problem was resolved. As for why it’s like this, I’m not sure either. I hope this is helpful to you. Good wishes.

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