…without saving your file first. Pretty much guaranteed to lock Rhino up for a long, long time. No possibility of escaping out once you’ve launched it.
…without saving your file first. Pretty much guaranteed to lock Rhino up for a long, long time. No possibility of escaping out once you’ve launched it.
i am running into this and it really should be brought up again as the command has so much potential but is unusable on halfway dense surfaces and the known bugs. My display speed usually is very good, i’d say over 200 frames per second. As soon as i start the command, pick the point on the surface and try to edit by moving my mouse, it drops to 0.5 frames per second and makes navigating impossible.
Entering options from the command line does not work (stick) as long as the point on a surface has been picked which makes it even more frustrating. Trying to work numerically also is hard as the distance moved is displayed unsigned in the statusbar.
I’d vote for a totally static version of this command which allows to disable the realtime display while the point is moved and only displays the result once in a preview allowing to change the entered distance from the commandline.
The preview display is obviously the culprit, i do not understand why the wireframe is shown without any depth drawing.
@clement - can you try this in the V7/WIP if you have not and let me know if that is any better or different? With a 100 by 100 point surface, here, it is definitely slow (50 by 50 is fine)… but I can interact with the command line and as far as I can see the preview and ‘fixEdges’ setting match as expected. Are you simply using it on even denser surfaces?
@rajaa - What do you think of making the dynamic preview optional? Tim did that for OffsetMesh
for similar reasons…
Hi Pascal,
yes, it is 800x20 points, but i am locked to RH6 with this.
What i found (apart from the _FixEdges
option which is hopefully done in SR23), the Option _DirConstraint
is offered before picking the point to move but it has no effect when the option is changed before the Point is picked, it always uses the initial option value. If i change the _DirConstraint
after picking the Point to move, it updates properly. Can you reproduce this with SR22 ?
+1 for making the Preview optional, or even better allow to change the U_Distance
, V_Distance
and maybe the Move Distance afterwards to get a single preview on value change.
btw. i get that slowness of the dynamic preview not only in _SoftEditSrf
, eg. when i enable _CurvatureGraph
on a surface, it drops the speed a lot. If i extract the same curvature graph curves and lines as object, display speed is almost 400 times faster.
Hi Clement - I see the Dir constraint thing - thanks.
Yes, I think that is a good idea. What should the default be, with or without preview? Please YT the workflow you suggest will work best.
Yep - https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-57117
While we’re on the topic of high point count soft surface editing, a falloff tweak that could be done after the initial transform was completed would be ideal as well…
Right now, I’m having a real difficulty getting anything in between here…
Also, a preview in the form of the actual control points moving rather than the surface would also be very helpful to me in this situation.
(Ideally, as I’ve mentioned in other threads, It would be great to specify number of control points in each direction, rather than distance… also, asymmetrically.)
Hi @rajaa,
with realtime preview should be the default. I too would like to see a better editing of the falloff distances after the point has been picked and the distance to move as a changeable commandline option with preview. Imho the realtime preview is so problematic because if you use the mouse to change a commandline option the preview changes constantly.
I’d rather pick the point to move from and to in order to define the translation vector and then have the option to change the distances via commandline to get a static preview which i can evaluate visually (i do this with _Shade
to get an impession without overlayed wireframes).
Also, since the point picked (to move from) is never the point it moves from but a point on the surface closest to the closest ControlPoint, why not snap to this point when asking for the point to move from ? I mean snap to the UV isocurve intersecton points.
btw. having the option to control different distances in + and - U/V would be superb but i do not want to exaggerate
@clement, @eobet - not the same, but SoftMove
may have some of the adjustment you’re looking for.
Thanks @Pascal. Isn’t SoftMove a circular movement based on a deformation center with radial falloff ? I mean i have no control over UV distance or do i miss something ?
Hi Clement - you are quite right - I was referring to the interaction (falloff curve) you have available once a point is set. I think you were suggesting something similar for SoftEditSrf… perhaps a UV aligned ellipse with handles…
Hi @Pascal, i would prefer a preview as curve similar to the _Fin command but without the finned surface. These 2 curves could be shown in UV directions and the high point is near the mouse. The ellipse imho only makes sense on planar surfaces.
RH-57093 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 13