Simple things are hard for me to do

Hi everyone
This is my first time on this new forum, and I hope I won’t break any new netiquette thing with this question.
I’m trying to apply a very simple facade design (the flexbrick system to name it) to a project model I’m working on right now:

So far I’ve been trying to write a definition with the basic tools of grasshopper, I’ve also tryed to use the paneling tools modules of GH, but I have a hard time figuring out how to cull the right elements so that I can simply apply my definition to each surface of my built model.
Anybody has done something like that before?

Thanks for the help and attention


Salut Thomas,

welcome to the forum. As for breaking netiquette, you’re in stark violation of points 1, 3, and 7 :slight_smile:

We need to know more accurately what exact problem you’re trying to solve. Making the whole facade is too big to tackle. And it would be handy to get some basic data so whoever tries to help you doesn’t have to recreate something you already have.

The specific picture you linked shows a fairly straightforward distribution of shapes. It appear to be a stretched chequerboard across a bunch of singly-curved, tangential surfaces. That’s pretty do-able in Grasshopper, you’d start out by:

  1. using Divide Distance on all the arch curves (they’re all the same in the picture, are they also all the same in your case?). This will give you N series of points that are exact x units apart, where N is the number of arches and x is the width of a single flexbrick.
  2. You connect all the points per arch using a polyline.
  3. You explode the polylines to generate the individual line segments.
  4. You then remove the line segments you don’t want, i.e. where gaps are supposed to be. This can be tricky, but if you want a chequerboard pattern then Split Tree is probably your best option.
  5. Finally you must extrude the left over line segments to create the brick surfaces.

Thanks David
Thanks for the quick answer and the input.
I’ve already found a few workaround and I’ll poste my result later to let everyone know where it’s at.
And I’ve don’t manage to do it that way, I’ll start back and follow your suggestions.



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Don’t bother coming back for more if you aren’t going to follow David’s suggestions first, esp. this one:

Ok Joseph thanks for your input.
Best regards
