Show wires keyboard shortcut?

Silly me, is there a way to have this toggled on/of via a keyboard shortcut?

I guess you could do a macro and set a shortcut to it, but why wouldn’t you create a new Display Mode to your liking and switch between like you would between existing display modes?

what would be the macro text i need to put in?
display mode option is ok, still would be = curser to position+click+click to select.
keyboard shortcut would be a left hand quick toggle

true. in this case you’d better make it a macro once you’ve created your view.
I think something like:
'_SetDisplayMode _Viewport=_Active _Mode=_myOwnViewportMode

I did add custom display modes = keyboard shortcuts, but it prompts me to select and doesn’t toggle between them. If i manually select between them it works wires on/off…

Try adding “Enter” to the end of your macro.

You can put this macro on an Alias or Keyboard shortcut to toggle SubD Wires in current display mode (all in one line):

SetRedrawOff -_RunScript (Call Rhino.ViewDisplayModeProperty(Rhino.ViewDisplayModeEx(), "Objects\SubD\SmoothVisible", Not Rhino.ViewDisplayModeProperty(Rhino.ViewDisplayModeEx(), "Objects\SubD\SmoothVisible")) ) SetRedrawOn

If you need to add the other two, maybe you can figure it out based on the info it this topic:
Hotkey setup for SubD wires toggle - Rhino / Rhino for Windows - McNeel Forum

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THIS WORKED :slight_smile:
SetRedrawOff -_RunScript (Call Rhino.ViewDisplayModeProperty(Rhino.ViewDisplayModeEx(), “Objects\SubD\SmoothVisible”, Not Rhino.ViewDisplayModeProperty(Rhino.ViewDisplayModeEx(), “Objects\SubD\SmoothVisible”)) ) SetRedrawOn

My guess is that the _ was too much in _SubD_WiresOff as your Mode was called SubD_WiresOff

Just to complete my answer…
nice one from Jarek :slightly_smiling_face: