Hi all,
I am currently working with shells using orthotropic material. Is there a way to get the stresses as a result of the bending moments? If not, is it possible to get the curvature from the initial state and the deformed state, so I can calculate stresses myself?
Best, Bart-Jan
Hi @computate.design,
to get the stress in the top and bottom layers use
sigma_x = nx/t±6mx/t^2
sigma_y = ny/t±6my/t^2
sigma_xy = nxy/t±6mxy/t^2
see also e.g. RFLaminate Manual (Dlubal)(default.aspx (dlubal.com)) page 36.
Stresses on arbitrary layers can be interpolated linearly.
– Clemens
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Thanks @karamba3d
I just created a custom node which can be used with the Karamba3D shell forces node.