Shatter fail and segment selection

Hello! I am having some trouble first shattering a curve because segment 1 in blue (see image attached) has two segments whereas the others have only one midpoint, and then I intended to extract only the segments that are circled in red, this last operation can´t be done with list item and select the items manually, because the amount of segments shattered may vary, but the selection of red circles remains the same.
I hope there is a solution,
Thank you!

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20190923_Q& (8.7 KB) Yes, thank you for your time. I tried to use it again for another shatter, however it seems that it doesn´t work (see result in image)20190923_Q%26A_4 (in this case I am trying to shatter two curves in the points shown in the image attached and delete the segments in blue)20190923_Q%26A_3
Thank you!

Either I am colorblind or there is no segment in blue. Just blue arrows pointing to the intersection points.

Is this what you want?20190923_Q& (12.5 KB)

Of course when you change the logic of what you are doing, the first solution won’t work for the new logic. You have to “tell” the software what you want to do logically. Look at the two def I have send you and try to get the logic. Here we work with Data Trees and they tend to be a bit counterintuitive.

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If you want like this use Pufferfish points trim curve and use rectangle you don’t need separate curves to trim the others

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Thank you!