Sharepoint as a Custom Package Repository

I’m beginning to manage a larger number of employees that will be using Rhino and Grasshopper. Specifically, to run gh scripts and install plugins that my department is writing. It seems the Custom Package Manager is the best way to handle distributing the extensions that we’re using to write our scripts.

Our main file server is Sharepoint, but when I try to map my PackageManager.Sources to the Sharepoint http address, I get a 401 error.

Does anybody have any experience mapping their Custom Package Manager to Sharepoint for internal distribution?

I would also like to know this! :slight_smile:

The SharePoint URL won’t work – the Package Manager doesn’t know how to communicate with SharePoint directly and there are no plans to add this functionality.

Instead you could try syncing a folder from SharePoint to your computer and adding the local path as a package source. This technique works generally for cloud storage solutions.

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@will, that’s understandable. Thanks for the feedback!

After doing some research, we’ve implemented this solution building on what @Jarek worked through to set Advanced settings via Python as outlined HERE and HERE.

Here’s our little script (genericized) that we use to point people to the right file path after they synchronized the appropriate SharePoint library:

import Rhino
import os

user = os.environ['USERPROFILE'] #sets user = C:\Users\<username>
filepath = user + "<mapped sharepoint folder path>"

settings = Rhino.PlugIns.PlugIn.GetPluginSettings(Rhino.RhinoApp.CurrentRhinoId, False)
s = settings.GetChild("Options").GetChild("PackageManager")
s.SetString("Sources",";" + filepath)

Hopefully, others will find this useful too!


Hi all,
I am using Azure storage file share and it work very well, using resource groups we can manage different level of accessibilities for different groups or for all the company.