Share your favourite scripts, macros and plug-ins

Thanks for sharing those! I slightly modified your 4th macro to turn the camera at 180 degrees instead of 90 degrees, because this is handy when modeling cars.

  • Reverse camera view
    -RotateView a 180 l, -RotateView a 180 r

This is a macro that I created to overcome one weakness of Rhino’s default ! _Line _Tangent _Pause command. It will ask for a planar object to temporarily align the CPlane to it during the command, then it will revert to the previous CPlane.

  • Line: Tangent and perpendicular to curves
    ! _CPlane _Object _Pause _ProjectOsnap _Toggle Enter _Pause _Line _Tangent _Pause _Pause _Cplane _Undo _ProjectOsnap _Toggle Enter

Two macros for creating of a vertical dimension or aligned dimension directly in the Perspective viewport:

  • 3-D vertical dimension
    ! _CPlane _Object _Multipause _Dim _CPlane _Undo

  • 3-D aligned dimension
    ! _CPlane _Object _Multipause _DimAligned _CPlane _Undo

This video shows how to use the 3d dimensions: