Shapediver and Shopify App

Hi All,

We are working towards integrating shapediver in the shopify app, but i have a question regarding the workflow and what you guys recommed. For instance, would it be better to build the app within grasshopper first (such as toggle parameters on and off) or do it in the shopify app?

hope my question is clear!

kind regards,
Noord see Lights

What do you mean by “toggle parameters on and off”? And which “shopify app” are you referring to?

At the moment, if you want to integrate ShapeDiver in Shopify, you have 3 routes:

  1. Existing integration by Product Lab
    You can contact New Branch and discuss your options and pricing with them. As an overview, the Product Lab integration will automatically interpret your standard Grasshopper parameters into controls on the product page, and let you define some additional logic (such as toggling parameters on and off, if I understood your message correctly) by means of a custom data output. More complex logic, as well as adaptations to a specific theme, might require additional development effort from them.

  2. New official ShapeDiver App for Shopify
    We are nearing completion of a new Shopify integration based on the App Builder features. This new integration lets you completely build your configurator and its logic inside Grasshopper and involves minimal intrusion in the Shopify shop: product pages only include an additional button that opens ShapeDiver Apps in an overlay over the website.

While this integration still requires some effort before completion, it will be ready in January. Contact us if you think this is the right solution for you.

  1. Develop a custom Shopify App
    Our viewer and backend APIs provide everything you need to develop your own custom integration. In that case, you should be able to fulfill any of your requirements without restrictions.

Hi Matheu,

What I initially meant was the Product Lab app on Shopify, but I’m happy to hear that the Shapediver team is working on an official app. This is exactly what I need, and it also answers my question about whether I need to build the app’s capabilities in Grasshopper first.

Thank you for the quick answer!

Hi Mathieu, Do you have the exact day when an official new app would be released?

If you can, I would definitely wait. We use the current shopify “plugin” and it’s far from easy to work with. A lot of things are not accessible, which makes building any sort of customization really difficult. We have to work with a lot of weird workarounds and hacks, because some functionality isn’t there and you can’t really extend/change the plugin.

Of course you can ask for changes from the developer of the plugin, but that is a very long, very expensive and often frustrating process.

Hi Armin,

Thanks for letting me know, i was not aware of this. Ill be waiting for the official app then!

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