Setting object ID /Boolean Split Object still selected by GH component

Hi all,
I am developing software based on Rhino with Python but have the following questions

Problem 1
I have 5 Brep and I have selected them into a B rep component in grasshopper which are linked to a python script. For those objects I am performing Booleansplit on Rhino but I would like the splited object to still be selected in the b rep component. What are the way to work around that ?

In other words, all the splited object coming out from the original 5 objects are still stored into the same Brep component.

Problem 2
How do I assess/ set the object ID for the rhino object as I would like to customise the ID such that all the splited objects would have sth like eg. 0000-0000-0002 basically adding -(XXXX) everytime I split it

Are there ways to do it ?

Thank you so much and I wish you all an amazing day !!! :grinning:

No worries i solved it haha