Wow, that worked a lot easier that I thought it would. You can now pass a querystring of ?return.ObjectTpe=Property1,Property2,...
Here is a sample for getting the diameter from two circles
curl -H "api_token:" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '[[{"X":1.0,"Y":2.0,"Z":3.0},12],[{"X":1.0,"Y":2.0,"Z":4.0},30]]'
Here is a sample for getting Vertices and Faces from a computed mesh (note, I need to clean up JSON serialization for bounding boxes, planes, circles, arcs, and spheres still). This one is a sphere so it is still a little ugly.
curl -H "api_token:" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '[{"IsValid":true,"BoundingBox":{"IsValid":true,"Min":{"X":-11.0,"Y":-10.0,"Z":-9.0},"Max":{"X":13.0,"Y":14.0,"Z":15.0},"Center":