Separating Contours into Two Groups

Hi there,

I want separate contours into two groups after coming up with this solution, I am getting incorrect results. See the screenshot below:

Could anyone kindly help?

here is my GH file: VMM - Separate Contours into Two - Google Drive

you need first to sort slices by their Z coordinate, making sure that different slices which lie at the very same height gets placed in the very same tree branch

for instance, these two black ones, despite being separate geometries, they do share the same height so should be somehow receive the same preview color

here -to make things easier- I just grouped geometries together by their Z coordinate and flattened the data-tree so it could be dispatched (not that I notice, maybe you want the Pattern to have another “0” at the end, I corrected the uploaded file but not the screenshot) :

you will have to re-reference your geometries, or copy/paste the initial geometry container from the heavy file

VMM - Separate Contours into Two (12.8 KB)

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Hi inno,

thank you for your assistance, but this is what I want to achieve see the highlighted screenshot below:

Have you seen that 0 and 1 correspond to white and black ? The answer to your problem seems obvious or I miss something.

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