Hi all!
I am trying to send point geometry back to a grasshopper definition via rhino compute.
Perhaps @AndyPayne or @stevebaer might know something about this.
The array of coordinates is formatted to branch [0] but receives the error:
"Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: {. Path ‘values[4].InnerTree.0[0].data’
what is the correct format for sending an array of values? I have tried the below variations but still not accepted:
param5 DataTree: {“data”:{“ParamName”:“RH_IN:points”,“InnerTree”:{“0”:[{“data”:[{“X”:1616.51,“Y”:4282.157,“Z”:0},{“X”:4802.936,“Y”:3519.08,“Z”:0},{“X”:-1958.594,“Y”:3401.964,“Z”:0},{“X”:-3240.851,“Y”:2638.887,“Z”:0}]}]}}}
param5 DataTree: {“data”:{“ParamName”:“RH_IN:points”,“InnerTree”:{“0”:[{“data”:{“X”:1616.51,“Y”:4282.157,“Z”:0}},{“data”:{“X”:4802.936,“Y”:3519.08,“Z”:0}},{“data”:{“X”:-1958.594,“Y”:3401.964,“Z”:0}},{“data”:{“X”:-3240.851,“Y”:2638.887,“Z”:0}}]}}}
Are there any examples or guides for how to structure the datatree in JS for sending back complex geometries of array back to rhino.compute?
Thank you!