Select Curve with longest length in a list with c#

Is there a Linq method for selecting a curve with the longest length from a list?
At the moment I am looping and wondering if this is the best method for this.



This is about as unreadable as I can make it (lol):

protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
  var go = new GetObject();
  go.SetCommandPrompt("Select curves");
  go.GeometryFilter = ObjectType.Curve;
  go.GetMultiple(1, 0);
  if (go.CommandResult() != Result.Success)
    return go.CommandResult();

  var curves = new List<Curve>(go.ObjectCount);
  curves.AddRange(go.Objects().Select(objref => objref.Curve()).Where(curve => null != curve));

  var max_length = curves.Select(crv => crv.GetLength()).Concat(new[] { -1.0 }).Max(); ;
  RhinoApp.WriteLine("Max curve length: {0}", max_length);

  return Result.Success;
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Thanks for the reply but this looks like it only returns the max length but not the curve?
This is what I am using for the same.

double max = h.Max(c => c.GetLength());

I then loop over the list and compare them to this value to find the one I am looking for. This seems like the wrong approach to me.


Iā€™m guessing this is slow, but who knows.

var sorted_curves = curves.OrderBy(o => o.GetLength()).ToList();

ā€“ D


Maybe something like

var longest = (from crv in curves let len = crv.GetLength() where len > 0 orderby len descending select crv) .First();


@nathanletwory nice!

-Nathan this works well!

I have noticed that there are a few rhino collections like Point3dList and CurveList. I really like that these collections have functions like transformations. It would be nice to be able to sort them by attributes like length etc. Although I am not sure if linq is faster or a native collection would be.


Probably not faster with vanilla LINQ, but if you do stuff like this you might benefit from PLINQ. Untested, but try curves to curves.AsParallel(). Probably more useful with larger datasets.