Sections Tools Improvements

I’m excited to be discussing this with you!

I have a couple of ideas, and I respectfully request/suggest the option to choose either for each new Section.

  1. Set Custom Default Object Attributes for each of Crv, Hatch, and Srf, (in the same way you’ve apparently chosen “Display=Black, Print=Black, and LineThickness=0.5” as the default Layer attributes) - The idea being that when you Create any new section, the attributes for each of these objects is automatically assigned, instead of them inheriting the layer’s attributes. (eg. I use Green, Black, 0.5 for Crvs, Orange, Black, 0.05 for Hatches, and White, White, Hairline for Srfs)

  2. And then close to what you’ve suggested. I’ll add a screengrab here to illustrate, but yes, pretty close to what I do. I have a Layer called “Sections” (but of course SectionTools works too :upside_down_face:) and then (tho I have ito do it manually for now) I put the ST (eg. A-A) I create in that Parent Layer. Then I have a template of subfolders (crv, hatch, srf) with preset attributes - then it’s: SelCrv, ChangeLayer to “Crv”; and then with each of Hatch and Srf objects for the section A-A. Ad nauseum. (Layer tree screengrab below)

I use each of these workflows at different times, sometimes both in the same model - though I would say if I could only have one, I’d probably choose #1 - though either way, having a Parent Layer “SectionTools” that all of the ST Layers fall under would be a windfall for either option!

“Haze” is another thing that would be dandy! It’s a semi-translucent plane that obscures objects beyond the distance of the section’s focus. Would love to discuss that, too!

Very interested in hearing your thoughts, and I know of some set designers who would be over the moon to see these features a reality! Please feel free to let me know if something needs more explanation. I’d love to do whatever I can to help make ST even more useful!

Oh, and the “hidden” layer is b/c any time I use “ShowAll”, the “SectionHints” all show up again. So I just dump them in those “hidden” layers.

