Searching points in a set distance and then remove duplicates once used


I’m trying to construct a series of colunms which will link up to a number of sub-divided voids. I then want to find the points on the void openings that are closest to a partciular colunm and construct curves between the two points. Then once those specifc points have been used I don’t want other colunm locations to use those points inorder to above overlap.

Voids highlighted in red:

Colunm locations highlighted in white:

To explain the issue a but better here is a example with just one colunm. You can see all of the points from the sorrounding voids are all linking to a single colunm location, regardless of distance. I only want the points that are closest to that specifc colunm to link together (shown in green).

Then I want this to repeat reagrdless of the number of colunms between the voids shown in the second image.

Here is a crude sketch of the end result I’m looking for as well where the curves flow down to the specifc colunm location:

I hope that it’s clear what the problem is I’m trying to solve. However, if you have any doubts let me know. I’ve provided a WIP grasshopper file, but I unfortunately didn’t get very far before getting stuck.

GH_File: (23.0 KB)


Hi @adam_murray272,

I would use the Closest Points component for this with a Number input set to 4 (or however many points you want the column point to connect to)

The column point connects to your P input and the “Void Border Points” connect to your C input on the component.

Give that a go and let me know if you get stuck!

Here’s a quick start:

Graph Space:

Model Space:

Thanks! (28.3 KB)

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