I found a Brep.JoinBreps There is also a Curve.JoinCurves. But I need Surface.JoinSurfaces, or if that isn’t possible I need a way to convert surfaces to Breps. Why is there seemingly no way to join surfaces in rhinocommon?
Hello - ToBrep() should do it: https://developer.rhino3d.com/api/RhinoCommon/html/M_Rhino_Geometry_Surface_ToBrep.htm
I’m also very curious as to why the conversion is necessary. What makes surfaces unjoinable?
Surfaces do not have all the same information as breps - a face list, etc. Joining needs all that stuff for its book keeping. On the other hand surfaces have U and V directions and control points and all sorts of stuff not directly represented in the brep.
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So when in the GUI users “join surfaces”, rhino secretly converts the surfaces to breps, joins them, then converts them back?
Yeah in Rhino there is no distinction - a single surface is always still part of a brep, with one face.