I’m writing a python script to automate printing from Rhino.
In short, I have a bunch of rectangle objects scattered throughout the workspace; I want to “Print Window” by selecting diagonally opposing corner points of each rectangle.
Everything else is set up and working correctly, but for some reason, Rhino isn’t using the input coordinates, and it instead maintains the previously set print window.
The command sequence is as follows:
cmd = "-Print "
cmd += "Setup "
cmd += "View "
cmd += "ViewportArea "
cmd += "Window "
cmd += "Enter "
cmd += Pt1Coord
cmd += "Enter "
cmd += Pt2Coord
cmd += "Enter "
cmd += "Enter "
cmd += "ScaleToFit "
cmd += "Enter "
cmd += "Destination "
cmd += "OutputColor "
cmd += "PrintColor "
cmd += "Enter "
cmd += "Enter "
cmd += "Enter "
cmd += "Enter"
Pt1Coord is a string e.g. "782.971450101,1058.91734151"
Pt2Coord is a string e.g. “1602.67991482,625.283170751”