Script Parasite in Rhino 8

This may be off topic, but does anyone know if Script Parasite will work with GH in R8? I’ve used it a lot in R7 with Visual Studio Code.

What I have been doing is working with R7 and GH with the Script Parasite and C# component. But when I tried using the Script Parasite with betaR8 and GH, it didn’t seem to work so I went back to using R7. Just now I thought I’d try it again but when I opened GH in betaR8 and tried to open a GH doc built in R7, betaR8 just quit, disappeared, shut down. I thought it might tell me it couldn’t open that file. Nope. I tried it 3 times, same thing. I’m running Win10 on a Dell Precision 3530 laptop.
I’ll try building a new GH in betaR8 and see what happens.

So I built a new GH doc in betaR8 and tried using Script Parasite. Didn’t work. I got a funny error message saying the the component must be grouped with one C# component. But it is. (11.4 KB)
So I don’t understand the error. I also get a funny problem message about a reference I make to GrasshopperDocument in the C# component in the upper left that finds the directory where the GH doc is stored. I don’t get this message in GH running in R7. ??

I’ve had the same problems. If you unstall Script Parasite, the files will sometimes open, the other work around that I have found is to disable the Solver before you open the file and then enable it after it has loaded.

I’ve got a feeling that Script Parasite doesn’t work is that it doesn’t recognise the new Script component. No doubt with it all mixed up with Python that there are a lot of differences under the hood.

Yes, I realized later that the Script Parasite doesn’t recognize the C# component. But it still seems like a bad thing that betaR8 should quit and disappear when I try to open an old R7 GH file.

Hi Joe -

Is the “” file that you attached previously an example of such file?

When I open that here, I get the “unrecognized objects” dialog, and when I close that, the file opens without problems.

No that file was built in GH running in betaR8.
This file (18.1 KB)
was the one that was built in GH running V7 of Rhino. This is the one that caused betaR8 to crash and disappear.

That one also opens without issues here.

This sounds like something the author of that plug-in has to fix.

Hi All,

Since script parasite uses all kinds of non-official hacky ways to get script components to play nice, using non-exposed interfaces it will always need an upgrade for new Rhino versions. I’ll need some time to figure this out, I think it won’t be until the end of december that I’ll have time to look into this for windows. (And for Mac this might be a lot later).


@arendvw, really appreciate you looking into this.

Yes, @arendvw , thank you.

Hi @Joe4 @Ashley_Cichocki

I’ve updated scriptparasite for windows and Rhino 8. Mac still needs some love.


  • Does it work for you?
  • Is script parasite still relevant with rhino 8 with the new script component?

Thanks for updating. I am having trouble getting it to work though. It’s probably me. I typed in PackageManager and tried installing it. I get a message about changes detected that cannot be completed with Rhino open. Please restart Rhino.
I did that and started a new GH program but it doesn’t seem to be enabled. (12.0 KB)
I’m running Win10. Version 8 SR1
(8.1.23325.13001, 2023-11-21)
I don’t know what I’ve done wronb. Should I have uninstalled the old ScriptParasite first?
thanks, Maybe I need tor restart my computer?

Ah check!

As of now - it only works with the old C# component. Making it work with the new component requires some more love.

Which is not readily available for rhino 8 (it’s there, but it’s hidden). You can get it back with this user component.

C# Legacy.ghuser (1.7 KB)

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That’s really great! As you mentioned, it works with the ‘old’ C# component, but not the Script component.

However, that might not be too much of an issue in the future as it looks like by popular demand, the C# component is making a come back in release 8.3:

I think it won’t work with this new update as well. I’ve checked out what would need to be done to make it work with the new editor - and it might take quite some work to get this done.

That isn’t what Ehsan is writing about. The C# component that will be available in the ribbon in 8.3 will still be the new C# component.

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Ah, so you mean that under the hood it’s a Script Component that just goes directly to C# rather than providing the initial options (python etc) that the regular Script Component offers?

Well, either way, I hope Ehsan can iron out the performance issues and that it’s not too much of a headache for arendvw.

Thanks Steve!

You can instance obsolete components with a ‘#’ prefix in the component searcher.

Well. For the time being if I need to develop some C# in GH I will stick with Rhino7. Not real happy with the new editor in GH in Rhino8