Scanning for editing in Rhino

Hi there,
I need to make some test objects for testing 3D-printing materials. Instead of starting from scratch I was thinking to scan some and edit them in Rhino.

Would that be possible with LIDAR? Or something else? Or is it easier to just start from scratch?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Charlotte -
It’s not clear to me if you want to print a specific model or just test materials. If you need a specific model and that is not available from the internet, it all depends on the model and how much you want / need to edit it if it’s easier to start from scratch.

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Reverse engineering from scan data isn’t something you do just for fun to test things out. Find them or build them…and it’s better to build unless the found models are specifically for printing, don’t expect random models found on the net to be suitable for anything.

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Hi Wim,

It would be some of my own models already made with traditional manufacturing.

I can just draw it. We have our own drawings already og some models.

I was just wondering what you can do with scanning today. Lidar and all…

Well scanning can do great things, but it still can’t magically turn a point scan into a clean CAD model…and if the whole objective is just testing printing, well it’s a completely unnecessary variable.

Please start by describing the problem you’re trying to solve, instead of the process you’re following to solve this unstated problem.

Based on the incomplete specifics, I don’t yet understand how scanning physical objects fits into it.

Hi Charlotte,
I create 3D Rhino Models from scan data (LIDAR/pointclouds) every day for a living, everything from boats to cars to aircraft, buildings, roads etc.
The type of 3D scanner that you use depends a lot on the size and type of object that you want to scan.
It is generally expensive and a very steep learning curve.
Fortunately… Rhino 3D is perfect for working with 3D scan Data, you just need to import your pointclouds in the E.57 format.
A lot of 3D scanners export a mesh, which also imports into Rhino without any problems.
You can then convert the polygonal mesh into a Quadmesh, then a SubD model.

You might be better off using a photgrammetry based scanner such as -

I have seen some great results from the free version of this software and it creates a mesh as an output.