The path name has spaces in it, and wherever the first space is (in this case /Shared Drives/1- Orders), the command stops and it won’t save. I’ve tried using .format, single quotes, double quotes, attaching the .3dm, not attaching the .3dm and cannot get it to work for the life of me. Any ideas?
Hello - you need to surround the path name with double-quotes (chr(34)) This is the same as typing any text input at the Rhino command line if there are spaces in the text.
Hello- actually, I was wrong - your original works fine here with a file that has spaces in the name… What is the final path and file name (your print statement) that you are saving?
Not yet - I am seeing what appear to be inconsistencies in how this works on Mac but I have not yet determined if I am being a dummy or if this is really broken.
@will10 - still poking, but on mac it may work better to use -ExportAll and not -SaveAs
@will10 - I ended up quitting and rebooting and starting a brand new session of Rhino and it seems to all work correctly now with -SaveAs so long as the file name changes.