Save Selected option request please

Hi Rhino community.
Since there is some issue with the “export selected” and vray materials/textures, and the only workaround we found was to “save as template” so we can keep using referenced files in our big master plan projects it would be nice to have one “save selected” options.
With that options we can still selected the desire part of the project. Send them to a clean file and then use those clean files inside a Master file with all external referenced files as blocks and keep our team workers working in different parts of the same project.


Hello - I can’t quite tell whether this needs to be some new function or if there is a bug in Export or an option needed there - can you give me a blow by blow of what does not work?


Hi pascal.
This last 3 weeks since we at our office in Portugal bought all upgrade licenses Rhino 7 ans Vray 5 we are getting unexpected behaviours, both in Rhino and Vray (mostly here)
About the export.
Its impossible to “export selected” any file to use them inside a Master file as insert reference blocks.
All textures are gone with this method.
And the only options we have found was using save as template so we can keep working without have to save many times.
This is a litle hard to explain.
Lets resume in picture our workflow here in our studio.

The export selected wont send textures attached.

So, if I understand, the simplest version of the problem is that Export does not export VRay materials and textures that are applied to the selected objects, is that right? Just making sure: I assume ‘Save textures’ and Save plug-in data are both checked in the export dialog, correct?


Save textures all it can do is embedded an archive with textures project. There is no need for that.
And save plugin yes… always yes on that.