Hi all,
This is mostly a question of not being Mac-savvy, so bear with me…
On the Mac, the “default” scripts folder is buried in your user library - about the same way it is in Windows - /Library/Application/Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/Scripts…
In Mac, if I want to run a script in the default scripts folder I just need:
! _-RunPythonScript Scriptname
In Windows, I can do the same if I have set a search path to the folder in the Python editor; and I can also have multiple folder targets which is nice…
Now, it’s not very convenient for me who works from 3 locations and has 4 computers (3 Windows and 1 Mac mostly for checking/testing stuff) to have my scripts stored locally; my fairly extensive scripts library is in my Dropbox for access everywhere.
What I want to do is to be able to set up aliases to run scripts directly out of a specific folder in Dropbox. I can do this relatively easily on Windows, but I don’t know the correct path terminology on Mac. In Windows, if I want to run a script that is stored outside one of the standard search paths, I can simply specify the full path to the folder:
! _-RunPythonScript "D:\Dropbox\Scripts\AliasScripts\Scriptname"
So how do I specify the target similarly on a Mac…?
And, again, a wish to be able to change the default scripts folder location on Mac, as well as have multiple possible target paths…
Thanks, --Mitch