Mark your calendars for the ROB|ARCH conference in May 2024 in Toronto, Canada!
The conference has been held biannually since 2012, each hosted by a different team and institution. Each gathering brings together international teams of researchers and practitioners to share expertise, foster networks, increase knowledge, and stimulate innovation.
Each ROB|ARCH conference is a collaborative effort between the hosting universities, industry partners, and the Association for Robots in Architecture. ROB|ARCH 2024: Beyond Optimization will be cohosted by The Daniels Faculty (UofT), the Robotics Institute (UofT), The Design + Technology Lab at The Creative School (TMU), and the Waterloo School of Architecture in Toronto, Canada.
This year’s theme, Beyond Optimization, is intended as a provocation: to reflect on the changes affecting robotics in art, design, and architecture—and to respond by shifting priorities and examining the criteria to evaluate research. It will move beyond a technically focused discourse toward inclusive conversations that center on critical approaches in robotics.
ROB|ARCH 2024 consists of three workshop days (May 21-23) and two conference days (May24-25). During the workshops, fifteen teams of experts from academia and industry each lead an intensive 3-day hands-on workshop focusing on practical and theoretical knowledge building around robotics in creative practice.
The conference includes keynote presentations, paper sessions, discussion panels, and workshop reports.
A detailed list of workshops and registration details, a detailed conference schedule, and registration information will be announced this fall. Discounted registration fees will be available for students. Visit the ROB|ARCH web site and follow @robotsinarchitecture for the latest ROB|ARCH 2024 information.
Workshops: May 21-23, 2024 (Call for workshop proposals.)
Conference: May 24-25, 2024 (Call for papers.) Registration information coming soon!
Posted Sep 08, 2023 by Sandy McNeel on Rhino News, etc.