RhinoCommon .net6 &.net7?

I try to create an import plugin in Visual studio 2022 but exist template for RhinoCommon 7 & 8 don’t support .net6 and .net7



<TargetFrameworks>net6.0-windows; net48</TargetFrameworks>
|Warning|NU1701|Package 'RhinoCommon 8.0.23227.12305-wip' was restored using 
'.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7, 
.NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8' 
instead of the project target framework 'net6.0-windows7.0'. 
This package may not be fully compatible with your project
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Check their latest update:
Release 8.0.0 · mcneel/RhinoVisualStudioExtensions · GitHub

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Thanks @jstevenson
I reinstall it, i will test it later

Still the same warning

I believe you need to modify your Target Framework to just the platform you are trying to build for in order to eliminate that warning.


Since you are specifying both .Net 7.0 and .Net 4.8 you are getting warnings. You can ignore the warnings so long as you know the referenced packages support both frameworks. If you remove ;net48 you won’t get the warnings.

In my case, I had to modify the target framework, adding -windows so that it would work for WPF on Windows.

Hope this helps,


The target frameworks are specified by default, i change it to net7.0-windows
but the same warning appears

The NU1701 warning is apparently expected and not a problem.

I had also been getting the warning for RhinoCommon plugins but both the 4.8 and 7.0 plugins were working fine. I haven’t been testing the 7.0 version lately because you can’t count on 7.0 being available.

Compile Warning, Default Plugin targeting V8, V8 Beta - Rhino Developer - McNeel Forum

Your warnings appear to be different than what mine are set to for a new Plugin Project. I run VS 2022 Preview edition.


The default behavior should be to ignore 1701/1702 errors as specified in my Project configuration.

You should be good to go and can ignore those warning as suggested by Nathan.

Thanks @Nathan_Bossett and @jstevenson

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@stevebaer, @curtisw or @Alain could you build the RhinoCommon NuGet package targeting netstandard 2.0 ?
via <TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework>
Then it would work on both legacy .NET Framework and the modern .NET

Hi @Goswin, it’s on our list RH-77311. We’ll likely not have a netstandard2.0 version and just target the nuget package for both net48 and net7.0.


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Thanks @curtisw I can’t access the YouTrack issue. Is the .NET part of RhinoCommon no longer open Source?

Ah the link was messed up, it’s now fixed.

RhinoCommon from this nuget package was never open source afaik. The open source parts go into rhino3dm.

I understand this is a low priority item compared to fixing other bugs, but is there any movement here? YT doesn’t have a target version for release for a net7 nuget package. Would love to not have to ignore warnings for net7.0 plugins.