Hello all and @BrianJ
I started Playing with the brand-new UV Editor, and I started struggling with some missing functionality that I’d like to see in the final release of V8, I think these features are so essential to any UV unwrapping / texturing workflow, and specifically most the points I’m speaking from an Architect’s perspective. Thus, some of my ideas may not apply to other disciplines.
Generally, I use UV unwrapping when there is a need for texture continuity around a corner. This is essential for brick, stone walls, and other corners like tiles… etc. Also, I use it with weathered textures when I need to include some substance painter in my workflow. my issues are below:
1- Any UV manipulation on an object will remove the object UVs from the UV editor, then I need to click on Show UVs for Selection and pick the project to make the UV object appears again in the UV editor.
2- Selecting one Edge in the UV editor, doesn’t show the edge selection in the main viewport. I was expecting the ability to see and track where the seams are happening, like in the image below:
Same for Faces
3- Selecting a UV edge doesn’t show the other UV edges (Siblings) that share the same mesh edge, like the image below, I was expecting the highlighted Edge to show a “Red or Blue” color highlight to reflect the positional relationship in the World Space.
4- Ability to “Pack” UV faces to be clustered within the UV space between (0,0) and (1,1) this is very helpful for Substance PBR or Texture painting workflow.
5- Adding of (2) Stitching tools similar to the Mesh Stitching in Rhino. You can move the UV cluster to stich the desired edges. or distort the UV cluster when 2 sibling edges are stitched together.
Before Stitching:
After Stitching (Method 1)
After Stitching (Method 2)
5- and finally, the Ability to “Relax UVs” this can be really helpful in smooth irregular geometries like SubD sculptures, this can be helpful avoiding UV stretching or unexpected seams.
I really hope these functionalities to be integrated into the UV workflow.
Thank you and Happy New Year!