Rhino Polysurfaces to Revit with Full Parameters Rhino.Inside.Revit

Hi everyone,

I have a definition that produces groups of 6-faces polysurfaces that I want to bring into Revit with full functionality as Revit-family individual masses with grips for independent manual manipulation by Revit users. I’m new to RIR; looked at different workflows but nothing quite shows a move like this, I’m not sure where to start. See images and files below.

Segmented Mass to Revit - Post.3dm (411.9 KB)

All help is appreciated in advance,

You’ll need to decide where you are controlling your Geometry.

If in a Family Document you add a Form it will come in Pinned. At this point Grasshopper is controlling it.

If you Release the element you can then have control in the Family of the Geometry. Any changes to the Grasshopper Box would create a new Element in the Family document after releasing.

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Thanks Japhy, what’s a Family Document?

They are different file types: .rvt is a Revit Project Document, .rfa is a Family Document. There numerous differences and similarities, please see the guide for more detail.

Ok, that makes sense. Sounds like I need to have the .rfa “box” mass file open (and work within it) to try this out. I’ll give it a shot. Thanks!

I brought in the geometry into the .rfa. When I release it I’m able to manipulate it in Revit as if it was created in Revit which is pretty awesome, thanks! How can I have this geometry as masses in a project Revit file? The geometry is only saved as a family at this point.

Are you creating this as a Mass Family? You’ll need to add the family to the project.

Th goal is to have this geometry in orange in Revit in a project as a mass family, or ducts family, or even a cable tray family for Revit users to model. Please take a look.

Project_Cable_Tray_No-Fly_Zones.3dm (4.1 MB)

Can you describe the workflow and intent you are trying to do? Inputs and outputs

You mention that you want “Full Parameters for manual manipulation”, as well as multiple team members. Is this a one off project or something you are going to repeat? What is the size of the projects, roughly?

All these factors will help guide appropriate usage of Revit as well as Rhino.Inside.Revit’s role. Thanks

Can you describe the workflow and intent you are trying to do? Inputs and outputs

A little background info: I have about 10 years of experience using Rhino, about 7 years with Revit, about 3 years of experience running pretty sophisticated GH scripts, and I have created some simple ones in the past. I’m exploring RIR to create definitions to speed up modeling tasks in Revit.

Using this definition I grabbed this geometry from Revit and put it in Rhino:

These are all types from a Cable Tray Family (that runs overhead in buildings):

The geometry in gray is the original output from the definition. I hand-modeled the orange geometry per project requirements.

These are no-fly zones that other trades must maintain unobstructed. The orange geometry will be the input to bring into Revit as a mass family (or any other similar family that allows quick manipulation using grips in plan view or 3D view by Revit users). See .3dm attached
Cable_Tray_&_No_Fly.3dm (4.1 MB)

You mention that you want “Full Parameters for manual manipulation”, as well as multiple team members. Is this a one off project or something you are going to repeat?

This work repeats. Every project needs clearance space for installation and maintenance of cable tray runs. The goal is to gradually develop definitions for more complex tasks, all project data and deliverables are mostly produced with Autodesk software, mainly Revit.

What is the size of the projects, roughly?

from 200,000 SF to 1,700,000 SF

All these factors will help guide appropriate usage of Revit as well as Rhino.Inside. Revit’s role. Thanks

I thank you for your help, Japhy. I apologize for the delayed reply.

I think something like this (or a combination) would be the most effective.

Here is a simple family that is placed and sized to the bounding box of the Tray geometry.

R8-RiR-Flexible-Boxes.gh (17.8 KB)

Revit 2023 Clearance-Box.rfa (444 KB)

Unpinned the parameters are available to stretch in the Revit UI.

Hi Japhy,

Thank you for your response. I’m missing three objects, I did a manual search in food4rhino but I couldn’t find what I need. Any suggestions?

The definition looks like this when I load it on my end.

Thank you,

Those are Rhino 8 components. Is that an option?

:grimacing: My company just purchased this v7 license December last year for me to explore and show them what Rhino can do. Upgrading may be a tough sell for me. If we can keep it all things v7 that would be ideal.

Have you got it going? We can do the same thing in Rhino 7 with Elefront components most likely.

I just downloaded a trial of Rhino 8 (I like the new UI features BTW!) let me give it a shot, stay tuned sir.

All that section with the Rhino 8 components was doing was ensuring only Breps were being used. So a number of ways to ensure that, an elefront 5 component example is shown.

Is there an index to look up components by their icons? it is easier to look them up by name but some times that’s not possible. I need to expand my component repertoire for sure. I could use the name of these Elefront components as a quick fix