The Rhino New Developments Day (London, 25th April 2023) is geared towards people and organizations interested in extending Rhino’s functionality through Grasshopper or through new development frameworks such as rhino3dm, Rhino Compute or Rhino.Inside and external plugins.
There are many new revolutionary technologies available this year surrounding Rhino. Many of these technologies are opening up new workflows previously impossible possibilities. Get a jump on understanding what McNeel has been working on and how it might help move your office’s workflow forward. Learn about extending Grasshopper, Rhino, ongoing web technology projects that can be deployed anywhere, and the unbelievable Rhino.Inside integrations allow you to bring Rhino and Grasshopper into almost any workflow you have.
Get up-to-the-minute information on what we have been working on as we explore together what is possible.
Meet the people developing these technologies to understand how they work and what might be possible.
The “Rhino New Developments Day” is by invite/application only. Everyone interested in attending must fill in this form.
Once completed, we’ll review your application and confirm whether a place at the Development day is available for you. We will email everyone who applies for a place as soon as possible.
The Rhino New Developments Day is separate from the Shape to Fabrication Conference. Of course, attendees may wish to also join the Shape to Fabrication conference on the following two days at the same venue. Find out more and buy your ticket for the Shape to Fabrication conference.
Posted Mar 07, 2023 by Carlos Perez on Rhino News, etc.