Rhino.inside Tag Structural Framings issue

Hello, I am trying to tag Structural Framing in Revit using RIR.
Am getting this error though, the Revit file does have Structural Framing Tag loaded.
Is anyone able to help?


Hi You can create a new Tag here…

Make sure you change the category to Structural Framing.

Thanks for the speedy response, but my Revit file has already all the tags loaded in.
Any idea?

Can you breakout a small example?

TagTest.gh (15.8 KB)
TagTest.rvt (612 KB)
revit 2023 (I tagged one element manually)

Much appreciated

Creating a Multi-Category Tag works (Label is Type Name)

I think the preferred method would be to use your existing Tag with the Tag by Category.

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Silly me! Thanks so much!