Revit model Updates from RIR

Hi guys,

It is a huge improvement last year for binding the two models together, good job!
I got new issue wherein when i run an updates with RIR, it updates the revit element but having a new ID and my existing annotations associated unto it disappeared like dimensions and tags? it will be nice if it only updates the revit element but the annotations retain and updates as well.

Sketzjewel, What type of Element are you updating?

Wall tagged and dimensioned


Direct Shapes tagged and dimensioned


Hi Japhy, I am updating revit structural framing and column with tags and dimensioned to grid, thanks.

I forgot to mentioned that I am using output and input data wherein the structural modeller and analysis are in one script and plugged it to an output data while the RIR script is in input data, thanks.

Can you put together a small example that we can troubleshoot? There are a lot of places this could go wrong based on the information provided.

20211213 Cawthron_Concept.3dm
Project test.rvt

hi Japhy,
Please see attached working files, we used geometrygymn for this project.
My problem is once the main script is updated and i passed the information
using the data input/output, the revit model updates like the steel section sizes
but the issue is it updates the revit element but replace the old element, so imagine
if you have started doing your drawing documentations, the tags and dimensions
disappeared and i have to re-tag and put a new dimension again.
It will be nice if it only updates the element but not replaces it as per your reply on my

thanks for your help,

I don’t have access to your drive, can you put the files in a zip and post here, thanks.

Private Upload

hi Japhy,

Good day, I just sent off the files and in order to run to your end,
you need to install a geometry gym and a bullant for grasshoppers.
Thank you very much for giving me assistance.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

kind regards,

That’s quite the definition you’ve got going there. Can you isolate one of the Add Element (Beam or Column) and internalize the incoming data the best you can (if its a level or other revit queried element i’ll add those). Ideally what the data is to start, then a changed data internalized as well.
