Anybody else using Rhino for not only surfacing but also Solid MCAD design ?
I originally bought Rhino to just assist with surfacing but over the course of the past 8 months I’ve completely switch all my 3D design to it. I now do all design in Rhino, convert to solidworks (that’s what my customers all use) and do detail drawings in solidworks.
I find it so fast and stable. It’s so intuitive and customizable. It’s seems to be less clicks for everything. It handles large designs better then most mcad softwares I’ve tried. Because most of my work is in solids, I find there are some draw backs. I think this is because all the models are nurbs and not analytical. Removing faces doesn’t work the same way, moving faces is also different. Surfaces do not just automatically merge together.
Anyways, just wondering if anyone else is having a similar experience.