i’m trying to import a named mesh object from a file using:
f = Rhino.FileIO.File3dm.Read(file_name)
If i query eg. f.Objects.Count it gives the right amount of objects in the file. However if i iterate over the file’s object table like below, it only lists the breps in the file:
for obj in f.Objects.GetEnumerator():
print obj
using f.Dump() i can see that all objects are listed, including my named mesh. How can i find the mesh object by it’s name and import it from the file ?
#! python3
import Rhino
model = Rhino.FileIO.File3dm.Read('/Users/Dale/Downloads/test.3dm')
for obj in model.Objects:
obj_type = obj.Geometry.ObjectType
if obj_type == Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Mesh:
name = obj.Attributes.Name
if name: