(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22047) is now available for Windows and Mac
Includes everything in Rhino 7.16 RC2, plus:
Bugs Fixed:
- ClippingPlane: Change to Clip setting in object properties did not stick (RH-67334)
- ShowRenderMesh: Did not work with polysurfaces (RH-67301)
Crashes Fixed:
- Rendering: Textures: Editing a bitmap texture with the image file missing caused Rhino to crash (RH-67182)
- BooleanDifference: Added History support (RH-67393)
- BooleanSplit: Added History support (RH-67385)
- OpenNURBS: Sorting object list by runtime serial number to save objects in consistent order (RH-66570)
Features Added:
- BooleanUnion: Added DeleteInput option and History support (RH-67384)
UI Change:
- Constraints: New command name of Connections (RH-67321)
Usability Problems Fixed:
- Annotation: Linetype: Always display with defined pattern lengths in layout and detail views (RH-2370)
- InterpCrv: StartTangent and EndTangent are made always visible (only work when Degree=3 and SubDFriendly=No) (RH-67010)
- Subobject Selection: Ctrl(CMD)+Click now acts like Ctrl(CMD)+Shift+Click that deselects single (instead of all) pre-selected subobjects (RH-66472)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- RDK: Texture was not saved in 3dm file (RH-66884)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- UI Appearance: Changing EditBoxBackground color reduce visibility of edit fields (RH-67364)
1 Like
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22053) is now available for Windows and Mac
Includes everything in Rhino 7.16 RC3, plus:
Bugs Fixed:
- Contour: Contour incorrect in V8 (RH-67157)
- File IO: Export dwg: dimension & leader overrides ignored (RH-67311)
- LayoutWorkspace: Workspaces: menu glitch (RH-67532)
- Panels: Containers: making them permanent (RH-67483)
- RhinoCode: Accessing Dotnet member with name of "None" was invalid code in Python 3 (RH-66291)
- SDK: RhinoGetRenderMeshes did not apply mesh modifiers (RH-47460)
- Selection: Failed when clicking on curve/surface/cage control polygon (RH-67499)
- Smooth: Did not work with curve edit points (RH-56860)
- Constraints: Shows selected constrained curves with a halo (RH-67391)
Features Added:
- SDK:
- Quaternion.RotateTowards SDK method requested (RH-44437)
- Quaternion.Lerp and Slerp methods requested. (RH-44436)
- Quaternion.LookRotation SDK method requested. (RH-44438)
UI Change:
- Object Manager: Removed from Rhino WIP (RH-67557)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Display Metal: Decorate viewports when not using the default mode (RH-67501)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22060) is now available for Windows and Mac
Includes everything in Rhino 7.16 RC4, plus:
Bugs Fixed:
- Annotation: Linetype:
- Document linetype scale was applied twice (RH-67641)
- ExtractLineTypeSegments ignored scale property (RH-67097)
- Constraints: Constrains: Added Point on Line and Coincident Constraints (RH-67288)
- CrvDeviation: Now reports Minimum deviation as zero if the curves intersect (RH-67656)
- Display: PrintDisplay: Be able to set the space from any space (RH-65978)
- File IO: STEP Export - Added AP242 schema (RH-67665)
Features Added:
- ExtractPt: Option to create a single point cloud from several objects (RH-67664)
- SDK:
- Quaternion improvements requested (RH-44434)
- Quaternion.EulerAngles requested in SDK (RH-44435)
- Quaternion.RotateTowards SDK method requested (RH-44437)
SDK Enhancement:
- OpenNURBS:
- Embedded files can be accessed from ONX_Model (RH-67600)
- RenderContent can be accessed from ONX_Model (RH-67599)
- SDK: Added function to move a surface edge to match a nearby curve (RH-67666)
UI Change:
- Divide: Added dynamic preview when typing a number for segments, length, or chord length (RH-67581)
Usability Problems Fixed:
- RemapCPlane: Tuned up command prompt (RH-67636)
Mac-Only Changes
Features Added:
- ClippingPlane: Added "Object color" option for edge display (RH-66306)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- File IO: DWG export ignored dimension & leader overrides (RH-67311)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22067) is now available for Windows and Mac
Includes everything in Rhino 7.17 RC1, plus:
Bugs Fixed:
- ClippingPlane: Dimension lines and arrows were incorrectly clipped (RH-67474)
- Constraints: support preselection (RH-67209)
- Contour: Crashed on SubDs (RH-67671)
- MergeAllCoplanarFaces: Failed on a case (RH-67751)
- Panels: Some panels did not show up on startup in the new UI (RH-67629)
- Properties: Sectioning properties - UI updates (RH-67297)
Crashes Fixed:
- RDKCrash: Crash in CLBPBuffer.operator=() during V-Ray init (RH-67761)
- Constraints:
- Allows Equal Length, Collinear, and Parallel Constraints to handle more than two lines as inputs (RH-67663)
- Added a point parameter to the anchor constraint (RH-67748)
- Grasshopper 2: More options for Grasshopper point preview (RH-42701)
Features Added:
- History: Support for BoundingBox (RH-67711)
Tasks Completed:
- File IO: STEP Export - AP214AutomotiveDesignCC2 is added back to schema list (RH-67675)
UI Change:
- TextObject: Only allows creating curves from single-line fonts (RH-67698)
Windows-Only Changes
- DotNET: Added .NET 6 support to Rhino 8 for Windows (RH-66558)
UI Change:
- Toolbar:
- : RUI files can be unlinked from Workspace (RH-67741)
- : RUI files can be linked to Workspace (RH-67674)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22081) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- DK: Allow users total flexibility in the naming of render content fields (RH-64976)
- Annotation: Hatch:
- Default gradient colors were incorrect (RH-65120)
- Gradient hatch highlight did not stick when selected (RH-67443)
- EdgeSoftening: Properties: Command-line options did not toggle (RH-62168)
- Gumball: Loop and ring selection commands did not update Gumball location (RH-67874)
- Properties: Object properties were not accessible from command-line (RH-67317)
- RDK: Eto UI - Materials kept changing position in the list (RH-67124)
- RemoveMultiKnot: Fails on fully multiple knots (RH-67873)
- Rendering: Textures:
- Cursor icon was wrong when doing an Add operation in the curve editor (RH-67473)
- Tag tooltips went off the screen (RH-66480)
- RhinoCode: CPython rhinoscriptsyntax.MessageBox error (RH-67852)
- UDT: Length option not working in Stretch command (RH-67853)
Crashes Fixed:
- Constraints: Re-ordering constraints caused a crash (RH-67802)
- Panels: Panel: Context menu in Materials panel caused a crash (RH-67736)
- Annotation: DimLinear: SmartTrack Not Measuring From Aquired Point (RH-66332)
- Annotation: Hatch:
- Allows multiple pattern files to import at once in document properties (RH-49262)
- Added Backfill and Show Boundary settings (RH-67150)
- ChangeDegree: Works with standalone cage objects (RH-67856)
- ClippingPlane: Added checkboxes to indicate active ones when setting custom clip (RH-67330)
- Constraints:
- Constraints should automatically be added to sketches based on which objects they reference (RH-67787)
- Turns on widget grips automatically when the widget is selected (RH-67804)
- Rendering: Materials: Added an icon to indicate missing of texture images (RH-41903)
- UDT: Stretch command is changed to match the workflow of Scale1D command (RH-3767)
Features Added:
- Constraints: Added Arc constraint type (RH-67703)
Regressions Fixed:
- Bridge: Creates invisible object (RH-67827)
- Print: File IO: Transparent colors were printed lighter in PDF (RH-64630)
- Properties: Per-object display colors not sticking for polysurface and SubD faces (RH-67850)
Usability Problems Fixed:
- PointDeviation: revise how numeric input is handled (RH-67859)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Menu: Repeating saving worksession from the File menu failed (RH-67875)
Crashes Fixed:
- Preferences: Crashed on importing aliases text file (RH-67872)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Panels: Properties panel turns blank (RH-67731)
1 Like
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22088) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- OBJ export doesn't include edge softening (RH-67571)
- Layer: Add selective clipping settings to layers UI (RH-65802)
- Constraints: Constraints - show angle widget feedback as screen aligned (RH-68046)
- Constraints: Added command-line feedback when objects are updated by constraints (RH-67824)
Features Added:
- Constraints: Added Flip command-line option on angle constraint creation (RH-67201)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22095) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- OBJ export doesn't include edge softening (RH-67571)
- Constraints: Flip button in Angle parameters did not update line strokes and widget (RH-68085)
- Displacement: Allow all mesh modifiers on a curve if it has curve piping applied (RH-32693)
- Display: Enabling GPU procedurals did not immediately refresh objects (RH-68086)
- Fin: More complex with duped edge (RH-67883)
- Rendering: Cycles: Cycles: per face material is ignored (RH-66890)
- SDK: ON_Mesh::IntersectPlane uses old code (RH-67346)
Crashes Fixed:
- Displacement: Silent crash when trying to change the texture (RH-68010)
- MeshOutline: Works with meshes generated by CurvePiping (RH-67654)
- RotateView: Rotate view - always use the mouse location (RH-68058)
- Select: Allow adding to the current selection (RH-68170)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- SelBrush: Stroke feedback looked bad with Metal display (RH-68105)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Constraints: Added to object properties, and Ctrl+MMB on selected curves pops up a list of constraints that can be set (RH-68036)
(Will Pearson)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22102) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Code Editor Control: Crashed by typing "\" at the beginning of a line (RH-68033)
- Constraints: set object names from the panel (RH-68258)
- Display: GPU procedural textures did not work on legacy custom materials (RH-68183)
- Rendering: Materials: Showed empty panel on startup (RH-67922)
Crashes Fixed:
- Rendering: Materials: Crash when importing several materials from the library (RH-67730)
- Annotation: Hatch: Multi-degree polycurve can be embed as hatch boundary with the degrees preserved (RH-67906)
- Constraints: Double-clicking a constraint widget brings up an edit box (RH-67786)
- RotateView: Added RotateViewAroundObjectAtMouseCursor advanced setting (RH-68058)
- Squish: Improved the feedback on squished mesh edges and triangles (RH-68187)
Usability Problems Fixed:
- Constraints: remove for deleted geometry (RH-68257)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Annotation: Hatch: Creation dialog only appeared once (RH-68118)
- Rendering: Bump texture mapping was wrong on Mac (RH-68147)
Crashes Fixed:
- Display Metal: TestMetal command crashed Rhino (RH-68049)
Windows-Only Changes
- StatusBar: Info pane did not show the name of Named CPlanes (RH-68003)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22109) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- ContinueInterpCrv: EndTangent (RH-68065)
- Gumball: SetPt: Make zero always be snappy (RH-68316)
- Rendering: Improve libraries browsing experience (RH-38955)
- Rendering: Texture Mapping: Changing WCS to Channel 1 drastically changed mapping repeat values (RH-57873)
- Constraints: Allows adding a new constraint to a new sketch or an existing sketch (RH-68272)
SDK Enhancement:
- RDK: Added functions to convert between CRhRdkVariant and ON_XMLVariant (RH-68260)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Display Metal: Caused files with missing textures not to complete loading (RH-67854)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22116) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Constraints:
- Length fails in one step (RH-68291)
- Change curve display if they are constrained (RH-67962)
- ContinueCurve: PersistentClose=Yes did not preview. Fixed in ContinueInterpCrv as well (RH-68400)
- FitCurveToSurface: FitCurvetoSurface: Added EditKnots option (RH-68341)
- Gumball:
- Typing 0 while smooth-dragging a plane control did not move Gumball origin to biaxial 0 (RH-68386)
- “Align to object” did not display scale handles (RH-67722)
- Layer: Linked block layers do not maintain position in layer manager list. (RH-23427)
- Mesh: Switching to simple controls reset detailed settings (RH-68131)
- Selection: Selection commands did not skip block members from locked layers (RH-68351)
- TextObject: Surface output did not pay attention to document settings for isocurve visibility (RH-68310)
- SDK: RhinoCommon: ON_SubDDisplayParameters can be accessed (RH-67973)
- Selection: SelClippingPlaneInDetail Request (RH-68292)
Features Added:
- SoftTransform: Freeze border option (RH-61808)
UI Change:
- Gumball: Now aligns to object by default (RH-68358)
- Mesh: Detailed mesh settings are tuned up (RH-66829)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Constraints: CMD+RMB constraint discovery dialog was offset from cursor too much (RH-68270)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22123) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Constraints: Arc constraint fails (RH-68285)
- FilletSrf:
- Layer: panel tune up (RH-68494)
- Rendering: Texture Mapping:
- Distance from origin ruins texture mapping on rotated copies of this object (RH-67006)
- Advanced texture preview was wrong on extrusion (RH-62560)
- SDK: RhinoCommon: Incorrect implementation caused Render CRC mismatch (RH-68427)
- Trim: Failed when using Infinite plane as cutting object (RH-68500)
- UVEditor: UV editor - texture resolution (RH-63967)
- Workspaces:
- Unexpected Default panels layout (RH-68482)
- Hide/Show a panel with a macro - ref. RH-35026 (RH-68484)
- Unexpected behavior (RH-68483)
- Scriptable version (RH-68513)
- ExtrudeSubD: Default to Basis=UVN and Direction=N (also in ExtrudeMesh) (RH-68466)
Features Added:
- Layer: New layers random color (RH-4978)
UI Change:
- Mesh: Reordered detailed parameters based on the meshing process (RH-66829)
Usability Problems Fixed:
- Workspaces: Double-click to restore (RH-67928)
Mac-Only Changes
Incomplete Port:
- Grasshopper: Add fixed code to GH Scripting Components (RH-36575)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- UI Appearance: Alpha values of InactiveTabBackground and EditBoxBackground in advanced settings were set to 0% by default (RH-67364)
Regressions Fixed:
1 Like
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22130) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Color Picker: Custom color was reset for next color picking (RH-68266)
- Constraints:
- Constraints - misbehaving example , maybe (RH-68301)
- Point On Line constraint should appear as a dimension in the constraints panel (RH-68553)
- Arc constraint display glitch in perspective viewport (RH-67953)
- Delete: Cleared locked/hidden status of SubD subobjects (RH-68525)
- Rendering: Texture Mapping: Advanced texture preview showed artifacts along seams (RH-41695)
- Workspaces: Hide/Show a panel with a macro - ref. RH-35026 (RH-68484)
- InsertKnot: rebuild edge curves (RH-68572)
- Libraries: Hides thumbnails when size slider is at zero (RH-68488)
Features Added:
- SoftTransform: Keeps locked SubD edges and faces at their positions (RH-68524)
Usability Problems Fixed:
- Subobject Selection: Chaining tangent edges was difficult with pre-select (RH-68431)
Mac-Only Changes
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22123) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Annotation: Hatch: Colors with alpha=0% were defined as "Other" instead of "None" (RH-67896)
- Grasshopper: Components: Cannot include System.Linq in GH C# component (RH-68472)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22137) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Constraints: Quick view manipulation in an empty scene triggered a constraint error message (RH-68487)
- WireCut: Open curve as cutting object did not pay attention to crease splitting setting (RH-67032)
- Constraints: Sort constraints with parameters on top of the list (RH-67961)
- SetPt: Works with insertion points of block instances (RH-68593)
Features Added:
- Layer: Random colors can be assigned to new or existing layers (RH-4978)
Regressions Fixed:
- ExtendSrf: Failed with negative values (RH-66949)
Tasks Completed:
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Interface: No toolbars showing (RH-68664)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22152) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Constraints: Change point on line constraint to point along line, add point on line constraint which just keeps the point on the line (RH-68554)
- FitCurveToSurface: Did not work on the selected face of a polysurface (RH-68801)
- Gumball: Extrude and Scale handles missing from Gumball when aligned to object (RH-68468)
- Layer: Filter did not work with layer names containing spaces (RH-68822)
- OSnap: Osnap aliases not available in script (RH-68828)
- Rendering: Materials: Exception thrown when undoing changing PBR Material to Custom Material (RH-68798)
- Section:
- Selection:
- Selection issue when two clipping planes are enabled (RH-59918)
- Group selection failed (RH-68737)
- CreateRegions: Added DeleteInput and OutputLayer options and inherits attributes like usertext from input (RH-67593)
- Delete: Reports object number to command-line (RH-68753)
- Displacement: Mesh memory limit is increased from 8 GB to 32 GB (RH-68551)
- DraftAngleAnalysis: Allow named cplanes (RH-68834)
- File IO: Added ability to repair or skip bad mesh faces on DWG import (RH-68804)
- Section: enable History (RH-63178)
- Toolbar: Added maximum number setting for buttons on "Recently Used" toolbar (RH-67341)
Features Added:
- Layer: Added search box to Layers panel (RH-56866)
- RDK: Added content editor ThumbSize support in datasources (RH-66999)
Regressions Fixed:
- File IO: ACAD import plug-in failed to load (RH-68743)
- Layer: Panel: Adding new Layer to model makes it select the wrong layer (RH-68858)
UI Change:
- Toolbar: Added "Recently Used" toolbar (RH-68775)
Usability Problems Fixed:
- TweenCurves: MatchMethod setting was reset when repeating command (RH-68650)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- File IO:
- Mac crashed on exit if the import_dwg plug-in was loaded during runtime (RH-68772)
- DXF/DWG plug-in was enabled, but not loaded on Mac (RH-67679)
- Interface: No toolbars showing (RH-68664)
- Layer:
- Can group turn off layers in Mac Layouts. Windows okay (RH-58612)
- Request for new Layer control to NOT show in additional Details (RH-58538)
Features Added:
- Layer: panel: "Select SubLayer Objects" needs to be added to right click menu (RH-44106)
Regressions Fixed:
Usability Problems Fixed:
- Panels: Floating panel list was hard to navigate on Mac (RH-61822)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Layer: Dialogs opened from Layers panel were not theme-aware (RH-68716)
- Panels: Closing Rhino with the Help panel open caused an error (RH-68829)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22166) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- ClippingPlane:
- Enable/disable clipping planes per object (RH-37008)
- Exclude Objects (selective clipping) (RH-6069)
- Constraints:
- Misbehaving example (RH-68301)
- Change point on line constraint to point along line, add point on line constraint which just keeps the point on the line (RH-68554)
- Display: Objects were black in Rendered mode if shadows were disabled (RH-68916)
- Gumball:
- Did not display for sub-objects (RH-68926)
- Missing scale controls on decal widgets (RH-68854)
- Disappeared after extruding a surface (RH-68928)
- Layer: Locking glitch (RH-68951)
- OrientOnCrv: Canceled by restoring a World Plane in Named CPlane panel (RH-65826)
- Rendering: Materials: Deleting selected materials with some and all in use behaved differently (RH-68346)
- Rendering: Texture Mapping: New mapping widget always overwrites channel 1 when 3dm is reopened (RH-67348)
- SDK: RhinoCommon: Curve.Domain does not work like Reparameterize command (RH-68909)
- Section: History did not update per object linetype scale (RH-68976)
- Selection: Mouse-over hightlight ignores edges (RH-68972)
- Subobject Selection: Window-selection did not select subcurves (RH-68889)
- TextField: fx button invisble in dark mode (RH-68902)
- Audit:
- Audit3dmFile command now lists embedded images (RH-68745)
- Audit3dmFile command now lists unused materials (RH-68746)
- ClippingPlane: Clipping plane support for excluding layers (RH-50850)
- Constraints: Horizontal, Vertical, Parallel, Collinear, and Equal length accept multiple inputs instead of one (RH-68648)
- Contour: AssignLayersBy option is replaced by AssignPropertiesBy (RH-68954)
- Join: Automatically removes all micro naked edges (naked points) (RH-68896)
Features Added:
- ClippingPlane:
- Unwrap: Added a new unwrapping method using Angle Based Flattening (ABF++) algorithm (RH-42693)
Regressions Fixed:
- Displacement: Sub-object displacement only possible for one face per object (RH-68899)
Usability Problems Fixed:
- DraftAngleAnalysis: Automatically sets direction when switching direction options (RH-68893)
- Subobject Selection: Divided edge loops can be deselected separately (RH-68974)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- File IO: STL Export did not use the new dialogs on Mac (RH-68978)
- Panels: Floating container did not show resizing arrows (RH-68710)
Features Added:
- Layer: "Layer On in this Detail Only" in layer context menu is available on Mac (RH-58538)
Regressions Fixed:
- Display Metal: Older GPUs did not display curves and edges (RH-68843)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Gumball: Extrude had less display feedback in Technical display mode (RH-68850)
- Constraints: Selecting a constrained object in viewports highlights the corresponding item in the panel (RH-68037)
1 Like
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22187) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Analysis: EdgeContinuity: Missing the Help button (RH-69198)
- Constraints: example messy when a fillet is added (RH-67911)
- Contour: Made a partial result with a small contour spacing value (RH-69042)
- CurvatureAnalysis: Missing the Help button (RH-69197)
- CurvatureGraph: Missing the Help button (RH-69202)
- DraftAngleAnalysis: Missing the Help button (RH-69203)
- EdgeSoftening: Broke texture mapping (RH-69158)
- Emap: Missing the Help button (RH-69199)
- ExtractRenderMesh: Did not copy decals to extracted meshes (RH-69029)
- File IO: Scripting IGES Save/SaveAs/Export should not show the scaling dialog box (RH-69149)
- Gumball: Wrong face was selected after extruding if the side got split into multiple pieces (RH-68927)
- MergeFaces: Failed on the center vertex of a mesh cylinder cap (RH-54048)
- Offset: Failure depending on picked point (RH-69030)
- PointDeviation: Missing the Help button (RH-69200)
- Rebuild: Deviation incorrect for surface (RH-69134)
- Rendering: Environments created in Rhino 7 had inconsistent preview angle in Rhino 8 (RH-69207)
- Rendering: Content Panels: Creating a Basic Environment caused a crash (RH-69147)
- Rendering: Materials:
- Rendering: Texture Mapping:
- Edge softening did not take into account UVW transform of texture mapping (RH-69186)
- Sub-object material assignment broke multiple mapping channels (RH-43249)
- Rendering: Textures: Preview did not update (RH-69238)
- RhinoCode:
- System error in RhinoCode editor when creating geometry (RH-66555)
- Play cannot be undone (RH-68029)
- ShowEdges: Missing the Help button (RH-69201)
- StatusBar: Bold text display glitch on the panes (RH-69150)
- SystemInfo: Wrong section for plug-ins that ship with Rhino (RH-66544)
- UVEditor: Object aligned Gumball was located wrong (RH-68866)
- Zebra: Missing the Help button (RH-69196)
- Constraints: Updated icons in panel and added icons for viewport (RH-69153)
Crashes Fixed:
- Shell: Crashed v8 in a simple case (RH-69189)
- UVEditor: Hung or crashed when moving meshes in UVEditor (RH-69159)
- CPlane: Direction was flipped when setting on a ClippingPlane (RH-68999)
- ClippingPlane: Custom Section Style (in layer and object properties) allows filling the closed section on an open object (RH-69078)
- Constraints:
- When the explode or join command is run update constraints to reference the joined or exploded objects (RH-67788)
- Show parameters next to dimension constraints in the panel (RH-68452)
- File IO: Allows exporting bad curves to DWG/DXF and displays data errors in command-line (RH-69019)
- Layer: Removed "Layer name" from column header list to avoid all columns being turned off (RH-55637)
- MatchProperties:
- Right-clicking a checkbox enables only the option in the same group (RH-53850)
- Added Attribute User Text (RH-45604)
- RefitTrim: Added CreateBeziers and EditKnots options (RH-69074)
- Rendering: Materials: Preview thumbnail can be viewed from underside (RH-69178)
- SelName: Hides <No name> in the list when every object in viewports has a name (RH-69167)
- Selection: Ctrl(CMD) + window/crossing selection deselects sub-objects in command session (RH-69256)
Features Added:
- Constraints: Added Aligned length type (RH-68138)
- MatchProperties: Add clipping and sectioning properties (RH-67318)
- Rendering: Texture Mapping: Fits mapping size individually when multiple objects are selected (RH-61516)
- Selection: Ctrl(CMD) + window/crossing selection deselects sub-objects in pre-selection (RH-68023)
Regressions Fixed:
- Displacement: Showed in object properties when only vertices or edges were selected (RH-68898)
- Properties: Mesh 'modifiers' missing for SubD objects (RH-68778)
UI Change:
- Layer: Removed "By Clipping Plane" from Section Styles attribute (RH-69018)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Protocol Handler: Supports opening files from URL of rhino: protocol (RH-58700)
- Toolbar: : RUI files can be unlinked from Workspace (RH-67777)
Features Added:
- File IO:
- Imports Universal Scene Description file formats (.usd, .usda, .usdc, .usdz) (RH-68991)
- Ported E57 file import plug-in to Rhino for Mac (RH-40154)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Display: OpenGL stopped working correctly after calling AMD driver function to get total memory on GPU (RH-67184)
- RhinoCode: Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V did not work on Windows (RH-66309)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22200) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Constraints:
- Length fails in one step (RH-68291)
- Docking tab caused icons to disappear or scale (RH-69390)
- Name was not added on creation when an existing constraint was selected (RH-68760)
- Display: PointDeviation: Hairs are clipped (RH-68110)
- Docking Tabs: Edge Continuity panel could not be docked like most panels (RH-67549)
- Layer: Adding and renaming is clicky (RH-69434)
- MatchProperties: Match "Clip" property (RH-69450)
- Rendering: Materials: RDK Layer Material dialog does not show changes in the viewport if the Default Material is edited (RH-67432)
- Unwrap: Unwrap - Option to use ARAP (RH-62585)
Crashes Fixed:
- Print: Printing (PDF) a layout crashes Rhino (RH-68848)
- Annotation: Hatch: Boundary color and width can be controlled by curve settings of display modes (RH-69043)
- SDK: RhinoCommon: Add RenderMaterials table to Rhino.FileIO.File3dm (RH-60209)
Features Added:
- Layer:
- : Highlight layers of selected objects (RH-61270)
- Layer wish - logical or natural sorting (RH-24829)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Display Metal: Dotted control polygon of surfaces (RH-67561)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Rendering: Post Effect: Only one glow color was listed (RH-69442)
- Constraints: Added a creation menu to Object Context Menu in viewports (RH-68034)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22207) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Cancelling the Render Content Name Conflict dialog doesn't cancel the command (RH-66773)
- Annotation: Hatch: Boundary thickness was changed by draw order (RH-69044)
- ClippingPlane: Was ignored on resetting views (RH-59870)
- Containers: Merge 'Containers' and 'ShowContainers' (RH-69432)
- Grasshopper: Create Area and Volume components without centroid output (RH-64836)
- Layer: Nested layers did not collapse (RH-69484)
- Libraries: Search box was not cleared properly (RH-69356)
SDK Enhancement:
- SDK: RhinoCommon: Added RenderMaterials table to Rhino.FileIO.File3dm (RH-60209)
Usability Problems Fixed:
- Layer: Turned the "Column Sort" option back on by default (RH-69401)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- CommandHistory: Area command feedback broken (RH-69473)
- Display Metal:
- Did not display hatch background colors (RH-67898)
- Crossing window (dashed rectangle) was clipped by clipping plane (RH-69495)
- Maximizing viewport caused black viewport (RH-67838)
- Textures did not display (RH-68847)
- Pictures were blank (RH-67697)
- Rendering: Post Effect: Only one glow color was listed (RH-69471)
- StatusBar: Status bar info pane on Mac (RH-67389)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22214) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Picture and Wallpaper option grayed out when dragging a picture on to Rhino (RH-67562)
- Annotation: "Mask margins" label in properties panel was not turning blue (to indicate override) when value was changed (RH-69599)
- Clip:
- Object temporarily showed layer’s clip setting (RH-69596)
- An object’s clip setting caused wireframe of another object not clipped (RH-69601)
- Object’s Clip setting was changed by Layer’s Clip setting (RH-69580)
- ClippingPlane:
- Isocurves and edges were clipping on visible side (RH-69233)
- Only one object showed clipping edges (RH-69559)
- Clipping fill color was wrong (RH-69581)
- ClippingPlane command can not work on the object away from the origin (RH-30121)
- Display:
- No preview for hatches (RH-69215)
- Dots did not appear in front of clipping fills (RH-68969)
- PointDeviation hairs were drawn on layout (RH-69605)
- Clipping plane fill (RH-67081)
- Grasshopper:
- Rectangle conversion breaks files (RH-46358)
- Contour homonyms in Grasshopper cause ghpythonlib problem (RH-50604)
- Grasshopper: Components: curve curve intersection taskaware not working. (RH-46361)
- Layout: Size column does not update when layout size is changed (RH-69623)
- RhinoCode: Exceptions when starting Grasshopper (RH-69460)
- SDK: RhinoCommon: mesh.NormalAt() sometimes not returning a unit vector (RH-48292)
- Section: Did not create hatches from closed sections of an open object (RH-68977)
- Section Style: Solid pattern looked like overlapped faces (RH-69563)
- StatusBar: Open object type names showed "%s" in Info menu (RH-69618)
Crashes Fixed:
- MeshIntersect: Crash in ON_Mesh::IntersectArray (RH-69535)
- ClippingPlane: ClippingPlane to also cap open objects when intersection with CP is closed curve (RH-46092)
- Print: Vector output is able to print Picture planes with internal holes (RH-63987)
Performance Improvements:
- Rendering: Textures: Texture display: slow to regenerate in the UI (RH-65069)
Regressions Fixed:
- BlockManager: Missing from autocomplete list when typing command name (RH-69602)
UI Change:
- BlockManager: Rename "Blocks" to "Block Definitions" (RH-69566)
- ClippingPlane: "By parent" section style is removed from clipping plane properties (RH-69561)
- Containers: Container: Hide Gear icon when container is collapsed (unpinned) (RH-69523)
- Grasshopper: Box Corners - H Tooltip was wrong (RH-68051)
- Libraries: When computer is offline, materials, textures, and environments using online files cannot be used (RH-62694)
- Section: Made not to create hatches when object's Section Style is set to By Clipping Plane (RH-69603)
- Section Style: Enable "Section open objects" setting by default (RH-69577)
Usability Problems Fixed:
- CurvatureGraph: Curvature graph - finer for surfaces (RH-69299)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Clip: Per object clipping was broken (RH-69057)
- Display Metal:
- Section styles did not display (RH-69164)
- Display problem with multiple clippings (RH-69492)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Display: Objects were partially clipped by two clipping planes (RH-67290)
- Docking Tabs: Floating command-line locked the whole Rhino UI (RH-69517)
Regressions Fixed:
- Rendering: Materials: Missing color action menu (RH-69435)
(Brian Gillespie)
Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22221) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Containers: Panels or toolbars could not be added to an empty container (RH-69685)
- MatchSrf:
- History not working right (RH-30995)
- History used wrong target edge when target surface was trimmed (RH-34257)
- Rendering: Post Effect: Color menu missing icons (RH-69436)
- Section:
- GroupObjectsBySectionPlane did not group hatches (RH-69582)
- “Section open objects” of layer was ignored when object had Section Style=By Layer (RH-69616)
- StatusBar: New status bar layer pane not showing selected object layers (RH-69704)
- Trim: Failed when using Line option with ExtendCuttingLines=Yes (RH-67974)
Crashes Fixed:
- Toolbar: Crash when adding new toolbar (RH-69681)
SDK Enhancement:
- SDK: RhinoCommon: Added HatchPatternTable.Modify method for modifying existing hatch patterns (RH-69705)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Display: Enabling GPU Tessellation with AMD card crashed on Mac (RH-68761)
- Libraries:
- Blinking cursor and “Search” were not aligned in search box (RH-69500)
- Show materials, environments, and textures could not be enabled at the same time on Mac (RH-69340)
UI Change:
- Preferences: Windows Keyboard options page has been ported to Mac (RH-69285)
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- DotNET: Rhino Plug-In Errors when launching latest WIP (RH-69682)
- Rendering: Materials: Materials: Substance file settings in dark mode (RH-69071)