Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.22187) is now available for Windows and Mac
Bugs Fixed:
- Analysis: EdgeContinuity: Missing the Help button (RH-69198)
- Constraints: example messy when a fillet is added (RH-67911)
- Contour: Made a partial result with a small contour spacing value (RH-69042)
- CurvatureAnalysis: Missing the Help button (RH-69197)
- CurvatureGraph: Missing the Help button (RH-69202)
- DraftAngleAnalysis: Missing the Help button (RH-69203)
- EdgeSoftening: Broke texture mapping (RH-69158)
- Emap: Missing the Help button (RH-69199)
- ExtractRenderMesh: Did not copy decals to extracted meshes (RH-69029)
- File IO: Scripting IGES Save/SaveAs/Export should not show the scaling dialog box (RH-69149)
- Gumball: Wrong face was selected after extruding if the side got split into multiple pieces (RH-68927)
- MergeFaces: Failed on the center vertex of a mesh cylinder cap (RH-54048)
- Offset: Failure depending on picked point (RH-69030)
- PointDeviation: Missing the Help button (RH-69200)
- Rebuild: Deviation incorrect for surface (RH-69134)
- Rendering: Environments created in Rhino 7 had inconsistent preview angle in Rhino 8 (RH-69207)
- Rendering: Content Panels: Creating a Basic Environment caused a crash (RH-69147)
- Rendering: Materials:
- Rendering: Texture Mapping:
- Rendering: Textures: Preview did not update (RH-69238)
- RhinoCode:
- ShowEdges: Missing the Help button (RH-69201)
- StatusBar: Bold text display glitch on the panes (RH-69150)
- SystemInfo: Wrong section for plug-ins that ship with Rhino (RH-66544)
- UVEditor: Object aligned Gumball was located wrong (RH-68866)
- Zebra: Missing the Help button (RH-69196)
- Constraints: Updated icons in panel and added icons for viewport (RH-69153)
Crashes Fixed:
- Shell: Crashed v8 in a simple case (RH-69189)
- UVEditor: Hung or crashed when moving meshes in UVEditor (RH-69159)
- CPlane: Direction was flipped when setting on a ClippingPlane (RH-68999)
- ClippingPlane: Custom Section Style (in layer and object properties) allows filling the closed section on an open object (RH-69078)
- Constraints:
- File IO: Allows exporting bad curves to DWG/DXF and displays data errors in command-line (RH-69019)
- Layer: Removed "Layer name" from column header list to avoid all columns being turned off (RH-55637)
- MatchProperties:
- RefitTrim: Added CreateBeziers and EditKnots options (RH-69074)
- Rendering: Materials: Preview thumbnail can be viewed from underside (RH-69178)
- SelName: Hides <No name> in the list when every object in viewports has a name (RH-69167)
- Selection: Ctrl(CMD) + window/crossing selection deselects sub-objects in command session (RH-69256)
Features Added:
- Constraints: Added Aligned length type (RH-68138)
- MatchProperties: Add clipping and sectioning properties (RH-67318)
- Rendering: Texture Mapping: Fits mapping size individually when multiple objects are selected (RH-61516)
- Selection: Ctrl(CMD) + window/crossing selection deselects sub-objects in pre-selection (RH-68023)
Regressions Fixed:
- Displacement: Showed in object properties when only vertices or edges were selected (RH-68898)
- Properties: Mesh 'modifiers' missing for SubD objects (RH-68778)
UI Change:
- Layer: Removed "By Clipping Plane" from Section Styles attribute (RH-69018)
Mac-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- Protocol Handler: Supports opening files from URL of rhino: protocol (RH-58700)
- Toolbar: : RUI files can be unlinked from Workspace (RH-67777)
Features Added:
- File IO:
Windows-Only Changes
Bugs Fixed: