Rhino 8 - SimplifyCrv Behaviour


I observed that SimplifyCrv is not removing some the points that it used to in Rhino 7.

In this example, I’m trimming some polylines with each other / joining them / SimplifyCrv. Some colinear points are left. Same problem with CurveBoolean. I replicated this in Rhino 7 and it works perfectly.

I discovered ReducePolyline - it does the job.

SimplifyCrv Behaviour.3dm (42.0 KB)

Is this the expected behaviour for SimplifyCrv?


i have the feeling that this happens also in v7, specifically when the curves are a result of separate entities like here. but i did not pay too much attention so this is just from the back of my head.

I see that here, SimplifyCrv does not remove the extra collinear polyline points in V8, in V7 it does. This is definitely a regression.

Beware, depending on the pick order, one of the collinear points in a closed object may still remain in any case - as it could end up as the curve seam. SimplifyCrv does not move closed curve seams if they happen to fall in between two collinear segments.

I see that here, thanks for reporting. Works well in Rhino 7 as @Helvetosaur mentioned.
RH-78932 SimplifyCurve does not simplify this polyline

Thank you @Helvetosaur and @Gijs - also great to learn more about the command (collinear curve seam!)

Thanks for reporting this Ivan. The fix should appear in version 8.5.

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