Hi Guys, I’m very excited about the CPython features - via rhinocode - in Rhino 8. Since the Blender API is whitten in CPython, the interoperability between these programs and file formats may be improved. Can we expect some workflow like rhino.insie or Archicad-Grasshopper connection ?
I tried Rhino Inside for Blender, but last time I tried unfortunately Rhino destroys the Blender OpenGL context causing a crash of Blender + Rhino.
Once that is fixed we should be able to work with that.
There is no need for RhinoCode though. All we need is Rhino Inside and the existing rhinoinside CPython module, and a Rhino that doesn’t mess with the Blender OpenGL context.
We’d probably have the option of using the new cpython components in Grasshopper, in Rhino.Inside.Blender. But not sure how much usefuless it provides since Blender already has cpython. It is probably be good for using RhinoCommon API in the blender context while having access to cpython packages
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