Rhino 8 on Mac Benchmarks

Anyone considering Mac Hardware for Rhino 8 will likely be interested in seeing our test results and video:

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Rhino 8 on MacBook Pro M1 Pro.

The great framerate of navigating a new model with 4 boxes in default Rendered mode:

Reported half a year ago, never had news about this issue.

‘Speed enhancements’. LOL. Nice marketing, but Rhino 8 on Mac is a PITA to work with in real life.

Dunno, on my 16" M1 Pro here, I can rotate 4 boxes in default rendered mode as fast as I can move the mouse. Certainly not anything that would slow down modeling.

OTOH, TestMaxSpeed on the Mac says ~15 FPS which does seem rather slow, on my Windows machine with a 3060, the TestMaxSpeed is at 28 FPS or almost double. Both on 4K-ish screens maximized, I think the Windows screen is actually slightly higher rez than the Mac screen.

There is no Turntable command on Mac so I cannot compare those.

Dunno, on my 16" M1 Pro here I cannot.
That’s why I am reporting it.

So we know at least that this is not a universal phenomenon in Mac Rhino V8. Remains to be discovered exactly what is the difference between your system (and the others who have been reporting similar problems) - and mine (and the others who have been reporting no problems) - for this particular issue.

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Nothing’s moving since the official 8 release, as other major bugs I reported on the past months.
So, I guess there are other priorities than making Rhino working correctly for everybody :slight_smile:

Probably - usually the goal (and not just with Rhino) is to get it working for the large majority of people and then try to handle the edge cases… Right now there are still a lot of issues on both platforms and I think they are going as fast as they can, but the amount of developer resources available is not unlimited.

Yeah, indeed, the error was considering that R8 was (is) ready to get out the beta phase.