Rhino 8 Hull Manipulation function

Good morning, everyone

As I am getting the hang of using Rhino 8 and 7 to manipulate and generate hulls for my CFD, I have a question pertaining to hull manipulation function

Is there any function or plug-ins to alter and manipulate ship hull for a more fine, customized hull shape for research purposes?

I know Orca Design module and swordfish has this function, but does Rhino itself possess the function?

An example of this ship hull to be manipulated

That model is not a great starting point for editing, but…I mean…yes, with enough cleanup?

What does that mean? They can take some random model and somehow modify it?

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check this out:

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Rhino has multiple tools for manipulating the shapes of objects, such as those listed here: Use Universal Deformation Technology (UDT) to deform objects | Rhino 3-D modeling

Many of the commands have options which change how the object is modified.

Scale and associated commands can be used to change the size of an object in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions, either uniformly or non-uniformly. Scale | Rhino 3-D modeling (Scroll down to see related commands.)

Stretch can be used to scale portions of objects in one arbitrary direction. Use Universal Deformation Technology (UDT) to deform objects | Rhino 3-D modeling

Taper can be used to taper objects. Taper | Rhino 3-D modeling

BoxEdit can be used to modify the size of a shape while keeping the shape “similar”, though not a geosym. BoxEdit | Rhino 3-D modeling

Shear can be used to “shear” a shape. Shear | Rhino 3-D modeling

CageEdit can be used to modify a shape in very general ways. Use a cage with the minimum number of points needed to achieve the desired shape. The cage and the captured object can be modified by direct manipulation of the cage control points, or by using commands such as those above. CageEdit | Rhino 3-D modeling The cage can be created either directly in CageEdit, using Cage command CageEdit | Rhino 3-D modeling, or other types of objects can be created and used as the cage.

Flow and FlowAlongSrf can also be useful in modifying shapes. Flow | Rhino 3-D modeling
FlowAlongSrf | Rhino 3-D modeling

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Let me explain further

I am trying to find means and measures in Rhino to manipulate and modify ship hull shape.

These plugs in from my understanding allow the user to change the ship hull dimensions freely and easily while maintaining a good degree of control and retaining the closed hull shape.

For this KVLCC hull i am practicing on I have tried means and measures to alter its shape. So far i have scaled it in 3 directions, 2, 3 different directions each and is looking for other means to alter the shape.

That sounds unlikely beyond the simple ‘scaling’ you mention already.

As David explained Rhino does have the ability to take that messy, not-a-good-starting-point model and arbitrarily squish it, stretch it, twist it into a pretzel, Rhino was the first app that could do that.

I’m not sure I would prefer that over just making a clean, easily-editable hull.

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I see.

Understood Jim


Thank you very much David!

I will look in it further!

Dominnic (OP) mentions he is generating hulls for research CFD purposes. For CFD and similar studies (physcial tow-tank testing) of hull shapes a series “systematic” variations is frequently needed, “Systematic” means the variations can be described by a few parameters. When creating a set of systematic hulls using deformation tools which are controlled by a few parameters to create the variations is desirable compared to direct editing of the hull shape, even if the base model is “clean” with a minimum number of control points.

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