Rhino 8 - Gumball is slow!


First of all: I really love the new rhino 8! Currently busy testing it, and updating all our company custom tools, layouts etc, so we could hopefully start using it comanywhide in the next couple of weeks.

now i noticed the following: In between pressing a command on the gumball, and the measurement window popping up, there is a delay.
Its only marginal, but the delay is long enough to f***up my whole workflow.
In rhino 7, i could press the arrow on the gumball, and becouse i knew that it had the correct measurement still in memory, i could emediatly press enter / space to send my object flying in the direction i wanted it to.
If i do the same now, becouse of the delay, i first need to wait for 0.2sec. for the imput thingy to pop up. if i dont, Rhino thinks i just press enter to redo the command I just preformed, and it cansells out my gumball action.

is there a way to remove the delay on the popup input box, or something like that?

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Ah, thanks Ivan, missed this one.