Rhino 8 Feature: SectionTools Integrated

Sections are part of the documentation of a three-dimensional body. They help to gain a better understanding of the cut body and to convey this understanding to a third person. They are therefore part of a documentation process. The cutting plane therefore provides information about the specific properties of the material being cut. How the cutting plane is represented is therefore very important. And part of an agreement between experts who have agreed on the same reading. Therefore, it is extremely important that the workflow from 3D object to representation follows an understandable logic
How do I change line thickness, hatching, color, etc. into a non-destructive workflow? I think we have to talk about that. I already Posed a Topic: Section Tool Workflow and assigning attributes - but it was not discussed. Would love to see an explanation about an Workflow. That explain how we have control over section thickness, hatching, color, etc. and the documentation in Layouts - final printing as PDF.