Rhino 8 Feature: SectionTools Integrated

Hi @nperillo.np,
We have logged these items.

  1. RH-77192 to scale the section label down on the layout will hopefully to available 8.0 or sooner.

  2. Then we have logged RH-77206 to assign a clipping plane label to special annotation style.
    And also we requested that in a future Rhino the clipping plane use an assigned annotation style for text and arrow settings.

  3. As a workaround, you can turn off the clipping plane text in Properties and create standard Rhino text that uses the *object name" of the clipping plane in a text field. Sounds worse than it is. So I made you a video that shows how to do it here.

We will let you know there when there is something to test.
Let us know if you see anything else not working as expected.
Thanks for testing.

Mary Ann Fugier