Rhino 8 Feature: GH1 Is Now More Than Just Geometry!

Just discovered that Elefront have such a component and it’s called “Bake all Elefront”. But of course, there is no option to define which components will be triggered, you can only bake all.

Hi @AndyPayne

Will it also be possible to use the pass-through components to overide a specific value?


Yes. This is already possible. Check out the section in the forum post that talks about “Copy/Modify”. Basically, if you pass a main data type into the first parameter, then all of it’s attributes get passed out to their respective outputs. However, if you add a value to one of the other inputs, that value will supersede the incoming value. If you then bake that component, a new object will be added to the document. So, in the example you showed, a new point would be created at coordinates {2, 4, 7}.

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The new version of eleFront - which is still in Beta, so it has some buggy behavior - has a “Bake Group” component. If you put the button and the bake components you want into the same group, it will trigger them upon clicking.

Alternatively, if you are sticking with the last stable release, the Bake components do have a Boolean input, so you could create a single button or toggle, and link it up to the components you want to trigger.

This is a bit off-topic now though, but perhaps it’s food for thought for what becomes the native GH1 Bake component.

Thank you. As I reported earlier, just found that. Very useful.

Evrica. Just discovered how to get Rhino text into Grasshopper and split at newline character using Elefront and Sasquatch components. Posting here if somebody in need.


I also need features of block in gh. But basically, Rhino is a modeling software, not an “information managing” as Revit so that is not a priority of McNeel.
They filled that gap by Rhino.Inside.

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Why then did they just ask if we would need such a feature?



Is there a plan here to access Rhino data such as “UV”, “Thickness”, “Shut Lining”, “Displacement”, …?




We do plan to add more components for material creation/editing. That likely includes adding new datatypes for bitmaps and UV mapping.


lights please!

Alright, thanks for your answer.
(So I guess there is nothing planned for the other properties?)
I encounter the need to access “Curve Piping” or “Thickness” properties when I create a custom export or create a shader node.

It’s definitely something we can add to our list. We don’t have a definitive timeline for when various features are added, but I’ll make sure this gets added to the roadmap.


Driving UV Mapping for nurbs from Grasshopper would be fantastic.

Currently a lot of us rely on ‘Human’ for UV mapping but it only works with meshes.


@Eugen @ejnaren I just wanted to let you know that Blocks are now available in GH1 for Rhino 8 WIP. Read more here.


There seems to be an error in the Model Layer component or is the below the expected behavior?
Marked in red:

Best Morten

Can you post this example file? I’d like to look into this a little closer.


Amazing work, @AndyPayne . Now that Blocks are out of the way. Can we please for the love of God have Lights in grasshopper and in Blocks :smiley: haha. Grasshopper would be a beast in lighting and rendering applications if this is implemented. Just look at the competition. 3ds Max just just recently did this via a 3rd party plugin in Railclone. Railclone is limited compared to grasshopper in terms of scripting power. While Houdini is a little too esoteric and complex for the average user. Rhino grasshopper is perfect for interior and exterior lighting design. Also the ability to bake lights is important. Vray can’t bake lights into rhino for some technical reason. So please let there be lights :).

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Sure… didn’t save the script, aaand now I can’t recreate it… :sweat_smile: It works as expected.

@AndyPayne Found something else though.
Baking layers with the same “child” name does not produce the expected result:

File attached right away this time: :smile:
SameNamedChildLayers.gh (10.2 KB)

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Lights are definitely on our roadmap. Thanks for the feature suggestion.