Rhino 6 woes: I HATE the picture command ... Please don't phase out background bitmap function

Isn’t that like saying ‘I hate ExtrudeCrv because all it does is extrude curves’?

It looks like the people who use BackgroundBitmap mostly use it for making 2D drawings that are drawn on top of a a raster image of a 2d drawing. Having the image always in the background is a feature. Not being able to accidentally move the image is a feature. The fact that the image is not visible in other viewports is also a feature.

Its OK by me if you hate any or all those features, But I do find it annoying when people try to portray what are features fir some as design flaws or bugs. Its never the people who use the command that are complaining.


Sort of like this

Sort of like that, except if the conversation were about combining extrudecrv and some other command and potentially doing away with some functionality of one or both of those commands.

I’m expressing a personal opinion based on my experience in an effort to make sure RMA doesn’t do away with the important advantages that Picture/PictureFrame has for my work. They listen when users comment, and I want to make sure that my needs are heard. I didn’t mean to suggest that the features of BackgroundBitmap were bugs or design flaws - just that it doesn’t work for me. And that’s why I think they should keep both.

A couple interesting things to note:

  1. If you type BackgroundBitmap in Rhino 6, you’ll get a message saying The BackgroundBitmap command is obsolete and will be phased out in the future. Use the Picture command instead. And then… the BackgroundBitmap command continues to run! It’s not actually gone, it displays a message box that we added months and months ago. Our goal was to see if any of our Beta users noticed or cared. Apparently they didn’t. Now we’re getting the feedback we tried to get in the first place!
  2. If you open a Rhino 5 file with BackgroundBitmap’s in place, they stay there, and you can edit them with BackgroundBitmap.

Here’s what we’re going to do for Rhino 6 SR2:

  1. Add BackgroundBitmap back to the menu
  2. Remove the warning that it will be removed

You can track our progress at https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-43797


Thanks. I appreciate all your efforts on this.


Hi Brian, one thing to also keep in mind is that beta testers might be a very different type of users than your majority of users. A user that’s excited and willing to beta test a product is very differently than a user that does not like change. You should maybe identify a group of “Who moved my cheese?!” And also run things by them somehow.


Well said…

Business users tend to be running under more pressure and tight deadlines then a hobbyist or freelancer. Thus why I never participated on the beta… I had too many projects due to spend the time. On the flip side, if you break the “world” of a business user’s production, you’ll hear about it.

A survey to the email group I think would have caught my attention… but that’s just me…

for me I plan to keep more of a weather eye to changes. As my business transitions to much more 3D printed product rhino is more and more important to what we do.

Ok now you are making some terrible assumptions dude. I’m a business user. My own business and have 5 Rhino users right now, which I write checks for. So I personally feel the impact of these decisions. We have been using V6 for a loooong time. If all these years since V6 wip came out I was still on V5 I would have hundreds of hours of lost productivity, so many things in V5 are way slower and stability of McNeel products make their tools totally suitable for production.

Just like if I worked only in Rhino I would be extremely unproductive. And quite miserable honestly. And plenty of my client work is from corporate clients with tons of users that are in what you call a ‘production environment’. They hire are because we are either way faster, or because we can do stuff that they don’t even know it’s possible.

I’ll leave you just one example of my point: https://vimeo.com/250951194


Yes I had no trouble understanding what you meant.
It was McNeel that misinterpreted comments like yours and logged them as bug reports and then told us that the reason for eliminating the command was that it was buggy and designed badly.

People have actually complained about ExtrudeCrv when the command that would do what they wanted was a sweep or loft or something else. I don’t think McNeel ever logged those complaints as bugs or gave any thought to getting rid of ExtrudeCrv.

Sure, this group is the initial flood of users who grab the new version once it has become commercially available. We haven’t made any big announcements of the commercial version being available yet so we can react quickly and make tweaks in SR1 before we ruin everyone’s day. We would love to get feedback from this group earlier in the process, but I’m baffled as to how to do this without our communication just turning into spam over time.

We are probably about two weeks away from an official SR1 and an initial release candidate of SR2,

I think that the system that has the most freedom and flexibility is the best for working and communicating. —-Mark

Again, BackgroundBItmap and Picture(frame) are two different animals.

BackgroundBitmap is an image attached to a Rhino viewport - it’s a bit like the Grid in that sense. No Rhino object is created by adding a BackgroundBitmap.

Picture is an image attached to a real object (plane) that is in model space and has all the characteristics of a Rhino object and can be manipulated like any other Rhino object.

In my mind, we do not need to try and combine these two different animals into one, like say putting the head of a chicken onto a rhinoceros…


And don’t forget Wallpaper…



Agree, these 2 are useful in different scenarios (hardly ever used BackgroudBitmap here, but I can clearly see how this functionality is good for some workflows). Combining the two doesn’t make sense IMHO.


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I assume nothing except that as a small biz / owner operator i dont personally have the time to play with a beta as much as i’d like. If you do… awesome … im not an enterprise yet and in my enterprise employment past i could not have seen having loads of experimenting time either.

If you do… awesome… you prove my point that there are different types of users often NOT encapsulated in a test group. I am clearly not like you…

I find it ironic that almost every one lobbying to remove the command does not use it… so by that token should i lobby to remove hydrostatics because i dont make yachts? If this is not something you use, you shoild be reluctant to call for it’s demise because the next feature on the chopping blocks may be your favorite. When that day comes should we all be as negative and dismissive as the folks on this thread who fail to understand thier fellow user’s plight…

Peace folks… i use this feature and dont care for picture for what i use it for… if you dont… Awesome! That does not mean it does not matter or that those that use it should have to argue with folks that dont care about my concerns.

Many of the posters that want it removed clearly dont use it…

I do see positive aspects to picture… but bb is still better for me… i super appreciate the tips in picture and have some ideas how to use it down the road… but to ME bb still is very different

2 posts were split to a new topic: Background Bitmap vs Picture Quality