Rhino 6 Export Issue

Not really pleased with the Rhino 6 “improvements”. “Background Bitmap” command was streamlined and efficient. Why eliminate it just because you added a “Picture” command???

Anyway, my purpose in posting was to see if anyone knows of a way to stop Rhino from exporting cameras with every piece of geometry I export? Of course they are easily deleted upon opening the geometry in my render software, but why have to deal with this extra step?


Regarding BackgroundBitmap, it is back since 6.2 - make sure you are up to date with service releases (don’t forget to expand the message linked for the whole text):

Regarding export:

I tested FBX and DAE export. When you export make sure you check the Save Geometry Only checkbox.

Thanks for the info! Glad to hear BackgroundBitmap is back.

I’m exporting as 3ds. I tried exporting with “Save Geometry Only” checked, but still includes cameras. Happens every time. Any other ideas?

Hello - there is a fix for this in the current 6.3 service release candidate - you can get this by setting Options > Updates and statistics > ‘Update fruequecy’ to ‘Service release candidate’.


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Thanks! That solves my issues…