Every time I quit Rhino 6.5, the following crash file appears on my desktop:
RhinoDotNetCrash.txt (2.3 KB)
I noticed this problem about one week ago.
(Nathan 'jesterKing' Letwory)
June 20, 2018, 7:58pm
Started getting the attached RhinoDotNetCrash.txt on my desktop when closing Rhino. Using Rhino 6.4.18130.19341 and Windows 1803. Windows update was the only recent change I’m aware of.
Note that the Windows update was not the 1803, it was a small patch to 1803, so I was running 1803 before this without issue. Also it doesn’t happen every time I close Rhino. It seems like I have to work in it a little before this will occur.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
RhinoDotNetCrash.txt (2.3 KB)
Already fixed in 6.6 release candidate.
I read the wrong bug report status after clicking the linked one open. This particular crash item is still on the todo list, currently assigned to @brian
August 8, 2018, 9:27am
Been getting this here for a while too: Win10 Rhino 6.7 (vanilla- no plugins)RhinoDotNetCrash.txt (2.3 KB)
(Brian Gillespie)
September 11, 2018, 10:45pm