Request: Minimise Slider Height, Tag and Gripper

Hi @DavidRutten,

I’ve been jumping back into testing Grasshopper2 after your awesome presentations at the recent Rhino Developer Meeting in Copenhagen. One thing I immediately noticed/been bothered by is that the new number slider is taller than the old one, making them not align nicely with component parameter input heights anymore. Also that the name tag box on the left does not become “smaller” when the slider string name is empty (preferably the tag box would disappear entirely). And finally that the gripper area on the right is unnecessary, one might just grab the right border like the old slider to make it shorter/longer:

On a positive note, I’m really liking how the new slider area can become shorter than the old one.

Thanks and best,



Thinking about this a bit further, it would also be great if input parameters such as the Button, Boolean Toggle, and Value List would be the same height as the Number Slider, Panel, and Colour Swatch:

Edit: For context, I don’t know if you recall my presentation, but my definitions generally end up looking like this. Where I have groups with multiple basic input parameter types (including geometry and primitive data type parameter) that feed into a GhPython component. And because these inputs aren’t all the same height (i.e. as a slider), their stacked height always end up exceeding the height of the GhPython component: