I am wondering if there is a way to replicate a vacuum mold on an object in Rhino?
I have tried the drape, but it does not give the result I am looking for.
Attached images of what I am trying to achieve and what I am getting so far
The sample you’re showing is not a ‘drape’ of any sort, it has tons of undercuts, it’s basically just the 3D model with some modifications.
Hi Jim,
yes exactly, the pictures body shell is made using a vacuum pull on a warmed up sheet of plastic.
I am trying to replicate that in Rhino but I only find the drape which does not recreat the same effect, and Im wondering if anyone might know better how to achieve the result Im looking for

Probably going to need something like:
- Silhouette from the Top view
- CurveBoolean to get just the outermost projected outline of the object
- Extrude that closed curve upward to some point above the object
- Start intersecting and trimming the the object and the extruded shape to each other so that it basically eliminates the undercuts.
That will give you a model with 0 draft. A more challenging thing would be to try and incorporate draft into the vertical walls, I guess it might go something like the following:
- Make sure you have a joined single object
- Run DraftAngleAnalysis and set max draft angle to the angle you want
- Check “Add max draft curve” and then “Create draft curves”
- Hopefully these curves will form a continuous outline
- Extrude tapered the curves with the same draft angle to below Z0
- Trim off anything below Z0
- Try to trim the original object with the draft curves and join to extruded object.
Good luck…
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If you use the right materials, you can get the vacuum formed part off the mold despite having undercuts.
I have not done this myself but here’s an interesting video:

Using an Innovative Silicone Tool to Vacuum Form an RC Car Body (smooth-on.com)
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So are you trying to actually make a vacuum mold, or are you trying to ‘drape’ a surface over your model?
For the former, the mold is obviously not a ‘draped’ surface, it’s just…the model, it’s full of intricate detail and undercuts.
For the latter, that’s not gonna work for any real purpose, sorry.
thanks so much for the feedback, I will give these steps a go!
Hi Jim,
im not sure how to explain this but I want to take complex model as the Urus base, and ‘simplify’ them to a simplier shape which will have an abstract resemblance of the original car.
Then I will use that model to 3d print a mold for an epoxy pour
Not sure if all this makes sense