Repairing surface isocurve (1.3 MB)
hello everyone please i am trying to use lunchbox on this surface but i am getting this anomaly, please how do i repair the isocurve while maintaining the exact surface naked edges.

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you can rebuild your surface and using a Graph Mapper to have different UV points (1.3 MB)

There is also a third method that could use tween curves, a bit more complex. and it uses Nautilus plugin

Here the result between tween and rebuild surface

here I extract 2 curves that are the opposite sides of your surface.

It could be also the 2 others side (on the floor)
I put a weight of 0 on one curve and 1.001(to avoid some problems) on the other curve.
Then I use a tool to smooth the weight (like if it was temperature)
I get this

Then I get the iso curves

that I join (it is important to have a single curve for each iso curve and join curve doesn’t give a single curve)
Curve are oriented and a loft is done (1.3 MB)


Rebuild surface

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Thanks a lot. this is really helpful.

thank you