RenderContent Events


I want to give some feedback to the user on the path of the texture referenced in the PBR material. For this, I decided to use RenderContent events.

Rhino 7 SR30 2023-6-12


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using Rhino;
using Rhino.PlugIns;
using Hero.Handlers;

namespace Hero
    public class HeroPlugIn : PlugIn
        public override PlugInLoadTime LoadTime => PlugInLoadTime.AtStartup;

        public HeroPlugIn()
            Instance = this;

        public static HeroPlugIn Instance { get; private set; }
        protected override LoadReturnCode OnLoad(ref string errorMessage)


            return LoadReturnCode.Success;

        protected override void OnShutdown()


Material Handler

using Rhino;
using Rhino.Render;
using Rhino.UI;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Hero.Handlers
    public class MaterialHandler
        public MaterialHandler() { }

        private static void ValidateMaterial(object sender, RenderContentEventArgs e)

            RenderContentChangeReason[] reasons = {
            if (reasons.Contains(e.Reason) && e.Content is RenderMaterial material)
                RhinoApp.WriteLine($"From Material Handler, Name: {material.Name}, Content: {e.Content}, Reason: {e.Reason}");
                RenderMaterial.StandardChildSlots[] slots = (RenderMaterial.StandardChildSlots[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(RenderMaterial.StandardChildSlots));
                foreach (RenderMaterial.StandardChildSlots slot in slots)
                    RenderTexture texture = material.GetTextureFromUsage(slot);
                    if (texture != null)


        public static void Start()
            RenderContent.ContentAdded += ValidateMaterial;

        public static void Stop()
            RenderContent.ContentAdded -= ValidateMaterial;

Texture Handler

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using Rhino.Render;
using Rhino;
using Rhino.UI;

namespace Hero.Handlers

    public class TextureHandler
        public TextureHandler() { }

        private static void ValidateTexture(object sender, RenderContentEventArgs e)
            if (e.Reason != RenderContentChangeReason.None && e.Content is RenderTexture texture)
                RhinoApp.WriteLine($"From Texture Handler, Name: {texture.Name}, Content: {e.Content}, Reason: {e.Reason}");

        public static void ValidateTexturePath(RenderTexture texture)
            string texturePath = texture.Filename;
            if (!texturePath.StartsWith("P:"))
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine($"Texture: {texture.Name} is not sourced from a project folder on P: drive.");
                sb.AppendLine("This is against the recommended best practice.");
                Dialogs.ShowMessage(sb.ToString(), "Bad Texture");


        public static void Start()
            RenderContent.ContentAdded += ValidateTexture;
            RenderContent.ContentChanged += ValidateTexture;
            RenderContent.ContentReplaced += ValidateTexture;

        public static void Stop()
            RenderContent.ContentAdded -= ValidateTexture;
            RenderContent.ContentChanged -= ValidateTexture;
            RenderContent.ContentReplaced -= ValidateTexture;


No event is being registered if I change/replace texture from Bitmap Texture Settings.I was expecting this to trigger a change or replace event.

Any help narrowing down it would be appreciated.

@AndersDeleuran @dale @nathanletwory any insight?

Any insight @AndersDeleuran @dale @nathanletwory ?

@andy , can you help?

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Any thoughts @dale?

Hi @Devang_Chauhan,

I don’t, sorry.

@andy will be able to assist when he can find a free moment.

– Dale

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This is good to close. I have opened a more focused post here